Page 37 - LRCC FOCUS November 2021
Grand River Assembly Plants just Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Enrollment Period (AEP) beginning
two-and-a-half miles from I-496. The Twenty percent of the projects Oct. 15 for the 2022 calendar year.
center is a cross-dock, fully sprinkled support residents with special needs.
facility that is ideal for users in
assembly, light manufacturing, and Kelley Cawthorne, Michigan’s leading
distribution. It includes 4,600 square bi-partisan government relations firm,
feet of office space, 60 docks, and announced it has again selected the
two grade-level doors. City of Detroit as the location for its
Southeast Michigan office. The firm
has opened its new TechTown office.
The new Kelley Cawthorne Southeast
Michigan office is located at 440
Burroughs St., Suite 337, in Detroit. OUTFRONT – Lansing has been
confirmed as the vendor to advertise
On Friday, Oct. 1, Capital Area on all of the CATA Buses around
Manufacturing Council (CAMC) Lansing & East Lansing. This is the
members visited schools throughout first time in history that CATA is
Ingham, Eaton, Clinton, Shiawassee, allowing advertising on these buses.
LAFCU offered free document Livingston and Ionia counties to OUTFRONT – Lansing plans to
shredding to the public at the credit celebrate National Manufacturing start rolling out these buses at the
union’s Shred Day, held on Saturday, Day. These K-12 presentations beginning of the new year.
Oct. 9 from10 a.m. to noon, to reduce were part of a nationwide effort to
identify theft. A mobile shredding change public perception about
truck was set-up at LAFCU’s West today’s advanced manufacturing
Lansing Branch, 106 N. Marketplace industry and draw attention to career
Blvd., for on-site secure destruction opportunities available in this sector,
of personal documents. The paper highlighting modern technology
was recycled. Each person able to and work environments. Each year,
drop off up to four Bankers Boxes Manufacturing Day teaches students,
of materials to be shred. Masks parents and the public about modern
were required and social distancing manufacturing. Lansing Community College (LCC)
measures was in place. joined the National Fallen Firefighters
The Capital Area Humane Society Foundation tribute to firefighters
is well on its way to improving how it who died in the line of duty. LCC
protects and heals the homeless and lit the Granger Clock Tower on the
abused animals in its care. The region’s Downtown Campus, and the dome at
most progressive animal protection West Campus red, in honor of some of
organization has launched the America’s bravest heroes. As darkness
public and final phase of its Creating fell over the sky between Sept. 26 –
Hope, Completing Families Capital Oct. 3, LCC landmarks glowed red for
Campaign, a $500,000 fundraising the fourth year in a row, with respect
effort to meet its $2.5 million overall to fallen firefighters, first responders,
goal by Nov. 19. and their families.
Michigan Medicine and Saint Joseph As part of its community outreach
Cinnaire has announced the Mercy Health System, a member and giving efforts, CASE Credit Union
closing of a $175.7 million Low of Trinity Health, have announced recently presented Helping Hands
Income Housing Tax Credit Fund a partnership with Lansing-based Food Pantry with a check for $4,362.
that will finance the development Physicians Health Plan (PHP) to The funds were raised by credit union
or preservation of more than bring a new choice in Medicare employees throughout the second
1,648 affordable homes and 2,441 Advantage plans to Livingston and quarter of 2021.Helping Hands Food
bedrooms in 5 states. Nine investors Washtenaw counties. The plans will Pantry is a faith-based 501(c)(3)
are participating in the fund, which be marketed under the name U-M nonprofit operated almost entirely
is Cinnaire’s largest multi-investor Health + St. Joe’s Advantage and are by volunteers. It provides a seven-day
equity fund since 2016. Cinnaire Fund administered by PHP. U-M Health + supply of groceries and personal care
for Housing Limited Partnership St. Joe’s Advantage will be available to items free of charge to people in need
36 (Cinnaire F36) will support Medicare-eligible residents of those from the community, regardless of
20 properties in Illinois, Indiana, counties during the Medicare Annual their religious beliefs.