Page 36 - LRCC FOCUS November 2021
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                   FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  NOVEMBER 2021

        maximize the after-tax net worth for   At the Mason Public Schools Board   in community psychology. She served
        individuals and their families.      on Education meeting on Monday,       as the director of evaluation at St.
                                             Sept 20, the board voted to appoint a   Lawrence Hospital in Lansing followed
                          Peckham has        new member to fill the board vacancy.   by a faculty position at Michigan State
                          named Tom          Matthew Hall was sworn in at the      University. She was a project manager
                          Korff as its new   meeting and will serve as a member    for a NIMH-funded dissemination
                          vice president     of the Board until 2022 when his term   study of one of the first evidence-
                          of business        will expire, and an election will take   based programs serving people with
                          services. Korff    place. Mr. Hall was one of 13 applicants   serious and persistent mental illness.
                          joins Peckham’s    to fill the vacant seat on Mason’s
                          executive          Board of Education.                   PEOPLE NEWS
                          leadership team
                          in steering the    The City of Lansing has appointed     A native of Venice, Italy, Giorgio
                          success of its     Maureen McNulty Saxton                Burigana spent over 40 years in the
        Contact Center Solutions division.   and Danielle Lenz as board            hotel business in Europe, the USA,
        Korff will provide operational       commissioners for the Lansing         Canada, Asia, and Australia. Burigana
        leadership for contact center and    Entertainment and Public Facilities   also spent 15 years with companies
        IT helpdesk services that support    Authority (LEPFA). The 11-member      such as ITT Sheraton and Hyatt
        government and commercial            commission is responsible for         International. He wanted a change of
        outsourced functions for more than   establishing policies and guiding     scenery and recently became a realtor
        1,000+ employees.                    the organization that manages the     at Exit Realty Home Partners, located
                                             Lansing Center, Jackson Field and     at 1000 S. Washington Ave., Suite 104
                          LAFCU has          Groesbeck Golf Course, as well as the   in Lansing.
                          promoted Robyn     produces and manages a variety of
                          Howell to chief    community events.                     COMPANY NEWS
                          human resources
                          officer. Howell is                   The Ingham          The Peckham Community
                          responsible for                      Health Plan         Partnership Foundation kicked off
                          LAFCU’s human                        Corporation         its annual celebration of National
                          resource strategy                    has named Tom       Disability Employment Month,
                          in support of the                    Curtis to its board   through its bi-annual Speaker Series
                          credit union’s                       of directors.       featuring best-selling author and
                          business plan and                    Curtis is quality   mental health facilitator, Mike Veny
        strategic direction. This includes the                 improvement         on Wednesday, October 13. Veny
        areas of talent, change, organizational                and program         is a Certified Corporate Wellness
        and performance management;          Curtis            development         Specialist with presentations that
        training and development;                              manager,            move past simply educating an
        compensation; and succession         Michigan Department of Health         audience to providing them with
        planning. She also assists with union   and Human Services, Medicaid       actionable steps they can take
        relations.                           Administration. IHP is a nonprofit that   to change their lives and work
                                             provides access to basic medical and   environments. His bestselling
        BOARD OF DIRECTORS &                 dental care for low-income uninsured   book Transforming Stigma: How
        EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                  Ingham County residents.              to Become a Mental Wellness
        UPDATES                                                                    Superhero and The Transforming
                                                               Peckham             Stigma Workbook have become
                          Michigan Home                        has named a         valuable mental health resources for
                          Care & Hospice                       new director        people of all ages.
                          Association                          to its board,
                          has announced                        Esther Onaga,       Martin Commercial Properties, a
                          that Sam                             community           leading privately-owned real estate
                          Watson, senior                       advisory            services and development company,
                          vice president,                      member and          has filled a 270,000-square-foot
                          Michigan Health                      Faculty Emeritus    industrial building in Lansing. Martin
                          & Hospital         Onaga             of Human            facilitated two lease transactions
                          Association,                         Development         with the State of Michigan and
                          Okemos has         and Family Studies at Michigan State   Kuehne + Nagel, Inc., each taking
        been elected to the board of directors   University. Esther Onaga received her   half. The property is located near
        for a two-year term.                 Ph.D. from Michigan State University   GM’s Lansing Delta Township and
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