Page 38 - LRCC FOCUS November 2021
P. 38
The Salvation Army in Lansing is Osteopathic College of Radiology program’s goal is to improve nutrition
kicking off the holiday season early as the inaugural recipients of the for Michigan children in schools and
this year! Red Kettles will start going Outstanding Affiliate Award. The childcare settings while also investing
out at stores and businesses in the Outstanding Affiliate Awards in Michigan agriculture. Holt Public
tri-county area on Nov. 19 through recognize state and specialty Schools has received a grant of $6,200
Dec. 24. This year, each kettle will college affiliates that demonstrate to support this program.
feature multiple ways to give: cash, innovation, creativity, resourcefulness
checks, via QR code, or with Kettle and flexibility; highlight outstanding Chick-fil-A Lansing celebrated
Pay, which allows users to use Venmo, affiliate performance; recognize five amazing years of service to
PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay to affiliate contributions that advance the Greater Lansing community
make a secure donation. As many the osteopathic profession; and on Wednesday, Oct. 13. A special
continue to struggle, particularly celebrate and share noteworthy ribbon-cutting ceremony was held
with pandemic poverty, the need for programs and initiatives with all with cookies and a handshake from
assistance continues to be on the rise. affiliates to encourage best practices. everyone’s favorite cow.
The Salvation Army Lansing Capital
Area expects to serve a record number Siena Investments has joined
of children, adults, and families this Buckingham Strategic Wealth to
holiday season and well into the further strengthen their focus on
new year. There are a variety of ways client service and shared philosophy
you can get involved and make a of building and preserving wealth
difference in our community. through sound financial planning,
integrated tax services, and evidence-
Bekum America Corporation, North The MSU College of Music officially based portfolio management
America’s leading manufacturer of realized a dream come true by strategies. Founded in 2000 by Roger
blow molding machinery, welcomed cutting the ribbon on the Billman Millbrook and Stephen Hicks, Siena
local high school students in-person Music Pavilion—a state-of-the-art Investments is a fee-only fiduciary firm
to celebrate Manufacturing Day facility, purpose-built for music offering wealth management services
beginning on Friday, Oct. 1 at Bekum study, practice, and performance. On to executives and other professionals,
America, located at 1140 West Friday, Oct. 1, the college celebrated business owners, and retirees and
Grand River Avenue in Williamston. the expansion and improvement of their families in the greater Lansing
Local high school students joined college facilities and included a music- area and beyond. The firm has been
the Bekum leadership team for in filled open house. Crews completed associated with Buckingham since
person presentations and tours of much of the pavilion construction in 2000 through its partnership with
the newly expanded state-of-the-art the spring of 2020, but the pandemic Buckingham Strategic Partners,
manufacturing facility. caused delays in the celebration. LLC, Buckingham’s affiliated
The pavilion first opened to students comprehensive wealth platform.
McLaren Greater Lansing Hospital and faculty in the fall of 2020 under
and the McLaren Greater Lansing Covid-19 safety protocols. MSU Federal Credit Union is
Foundation recently celebrated a partnering with the Spartan Media
smoother road to health care with Volunteers of America Michigan, a Network and WLNS 6 News to
the dedication of Chi Drive at its new social services organization and one provide a new weekly magazine-
state-of-the-art health care campus in of the state’s largest service providers style television program for Spartan
honor of Dr. Ki Whan Oh Chi and Dr. to veterans in Michigan, celebrated fans throughout Michigan. The
Seong Chi. The dedication recognized a grand re-opening of its thrift store “MSU Federal Credit Union Coaches
the many contributions of the doctors located at 5411 S. Cedar Street, Lansing. Show” contains exclusive content
to McLaren Greater Lansing and the Organizers commemorated the and features officially affiliated with
community during and after their special occasion with a ceremony and Michigan State University. The new
tenure with the hospital community. ribbon cutting on Thursday, Oct. 14. program is 30 minutes of weekly
original programming airing over 16
The Michigan Osteopathic Holt Public Schools has received weeks, from Oct. 22, 2021 through
Association (MOA), the American a grant to ensure students receive Feb.12, 2022, with hiatus weeks
College of Osteopathic Family healthy options for breakfast and at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Physicians and the American lunch. The 10 Cents a Meal for The show is a fast-paced, content-
Osteopathic College of Radiology Michigan’s Kids & Farms is a state driven format featuring inside
earned recognition. The AOA program, which provides matching access to Michigan State University
recently selected the MOA, the dollars to schools to purchase coaches, student-athletes, and
American College of Osteopathic and serve Michigan-grown fruits, narratives hosted by the WLNS 6
Family Physicians, and the American vegetables and legumes. The News Sports team. l