Page 33 - LRCC FOCUS November 2021
joined its growing team of dedicated commercial real estate, and provide
real estate sales professionals. EXIT business owners a consultative
Great Lakes Realty is located at approach and the tools needed for
115 W. Lawrence Ave., in Charlotte, business growth.
Michigan, and is a proud member of
EXIT Realty Upper Midwest’s rapidly AWARDS
expanding network of independently
owned and operated brokerages
across the region.
Gillespie Group President Pat Gillespie
Union Bank and MEDC Managing Director of
announces Community Assistance Programs Sarah
the addition of Rainero accept the gold award for Public-
Janet Torres, Private Partnerships at the 2021 IEDC
vice president annual conference.
of retail banking In Jackson, Andy’s Place has received contaminated, and desolate block into
and deposit the Charles L. Edson Tax Credit a vibrant, thriving block in downtown
operations. Torres Excellence Award in the Special Needs Lansing’s Stadium District. Supported
joins the bank as Category. The Edson Awards recognize with a $1.5 million MCRP performance-
an experienced outstanding developments and based grant from the Michigan
professional organizations that have demonstrated Strategic Fund, the completed project
with a successful career in banking, incredibly impactful use of the Low- includes a hotel, grocery store, and
recruiting and talent management, Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). housing, now providing residents,
project management, and change Recipients are recognized at a workers, and businesses with the
leadership in the Greater Grand Rapids ceremony in Washington, D.C., which amenities they expect to see in a great
area with over 19 years of diverse brings together members of Congress, city.
experience in the finance industry. business, and nonprofit leaders to
celebrate LIHTC developments that DISTINCTIONS
Jack M. Miceli strengthen communities, improve
has been named health, and boost the economy in
to take over the urban, suburban, and rural areas
local Edward neighborhoods across the country.
Jones office
located at 4625 E. Building off a respected history of
Willoughby Road, excellence in economic development
Suite 5 in Holt. practice, the Lansing Economic Area
He has 16 years of Partnership (LEAP) received two top
experience in the international Excellence in Economic
financial services Development Awards from the
industry. Edward Jones, a Fortune 500 International Economic Development Alaiedon Elementary, one of
company headquartered in St. Louis, Council (IEDC) today. LEAP received a Mason Public Schools’ exemplary
provides financial services in the U.S. Gold Rank for the BLOCK600 project elementary schools, was named a
and in Canada, through its affiliate. in the Real Estate Redevelopment 2021 National Blue-Ribbon School.
and Reuse category and a Gold The award from the U.S. Department
Union Bank Rank for its One and All-Inclusive of Education is based on a school’s
is pleased to Entrepreneurship Initiative Economic success in maintaining high academic
announce the Equity and Inclusion category. performance or progress in closing
addition of achievement gaps among student
Michael Keast, The Gillespie Group has been subgroups. This prestigious award has
vice president, recognized by the International been given to Alaiedon Elementary for
commercial Economic Development Council consistently maintaining high M-STEP
relationship (IEDC) at this year’s IEDC 2021 annual (Michigan Student Test of Educational
manager. Keast conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Progress) scores for all grades and
will expand Gillespie’s BLOCK600 project in being a top-performing school in
the banks’ downtown Lansing won a gold award Michigan.
commercial market share within in the Public-Private Partnerships
west and central Michigan, focus on category. The BLOCK600 project Congratulations to Tracy Hazel with
commercial and industrial companies, transformed a previously vacant, Advanced Training and Consulting