Page 17 - LRCC January 2021 Focus
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Foster Swift Collins & Smith, P.C. has that are improving institutions and experiences Board recognized and celebrated the three terms
been recognized by the President and the U.S. for students. of service by Howard A. Pizzo as Township
Department of Commerce for their innovative Treasurer. The meeting was Howard’s last meeting
ideas and expertise in the world of global exports. Distinctions after 12 years as treasurer. During his time at the
Foster Swift was honored with the President’s Township, Treasurer Pizzo helped to create the
“E” Award for Export Service; the highest honors Five budding entrepreneurs Township’s first ethics policy, a comprehensive
U.S. entities can receive for making significant pitched at the Lansing strategic plan, the improvement, and expansion of
contributions to the expansion of U.S. exports. U.S. Economic Area Partnership’s the parks and trail ways system, a robust general
Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross praised the (LEAP) Nov. 12 virtual fund keeping Delta financially secure and has
firm’s work with Federal, State, and local strategic Hatching event, finishing out been an ambassador for being an age-friendly
partners to identify low-cost and no-cost services the 2020 series of business pitch community. Howard’s influence and contributions
to further clients’ export growth. events strong. The top prize will be felt by residents and businesses alike for
went to Day’Shawn Lyons’ years to come.
The United States Department of Labor has Drone Zone Air (DZA), a
recognized Peckham, Inc. with the Gold Hire drone rental company specializing in creating KJ is in his seventh year with
Vets Medallion Award. The award recognizes fun flight experiences for special events, such as Cottage Gardens! Starting at
employers who demonstrate exemplary efforts to birthday parties or corporate events. the age of 14 to save up for a car
recruit, employ, and retain veterans. It is the only he began his employment doing
veteran employment award at the federal level. MSU Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU) grounds work and maintenance.
celebrated a milestone Oct. 21, welcoming Steven He quickly became extremely
LCC’s RISE Institute recently received the Harmon as its 300,000th member. Harmon knowledgeable of plant stock
prestigious Equity in Education Award from the opened his account through the Credit Union’s and has continued growing in
Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and eServices department. He received $500 and a KJ his knowledge and education
Admission Officers (MACRAO) during its 2020 basket filled with MSUFCU-branded gifts. becoming a crucial part of their sales staff. KJ has
Annual Conference. Awarded annually, the Equity never called in sick in the entirety of employment.
in Education Award is presented in recognition of Second-year students in the KJ is reliable, dependable and has been crucial to
people or programs that advance higher education Business & Risk Management the growth of Cottage Gardens and providing
in the state of Michigan. MACRAO seeks to program at the Wilson Talent their guests with the service they come for and
showcase innovative and cutting-edge programs Center (WTC) are attempting upholding their motto of “a tradition of quality
to earn their Certified Insurance since 1923.
Service Representative (CISR)
designation by completing five Promotions
classes and taking five exams.
The first of those exams, was in First National
Personal Auto Insurance, which allots one hour Bank of
and thirty minutes to complete. Becca Burch, Michigan, a
a senior from Mason High School, completed co mm unit y
and passed the exam in thirty minutes, making bank with
her the first high school student in the nation to branches in
pass the exam on her first attempt according to West and
the National Alliance for Insurance Education & Kole Piper Mid-Michigan,
Research, who administers the exam. r ecentl y
announced the promotion of two key members
The Association of Fundraising of the Bank’s executive team. Cindy Kole was
Professionals’ (AFP) Metro promoted to executive vice president, following
Detroit chapter has recognized her accomplishments as senior vice president,
Rehmann’s Chris Sing as a chief operating officer at First National Bank
distinguished volunteer for of Michigan. With over 30 years in the banking
Detroit Public Television. AFP industry, Steve Piper has been promoted to
is a membership resource utilized executive vice president, following his leadership
by fundraising and nonprofit and contributions as senior vice president, chief
professionals throughout credit officer since 2016.
southeastern Michigan. Sing joined the Detroit
Public Television Board of Trustees in 2014 and LAFCU has created the position
has served as Treasurer of the Board and Chair of risk analyst to augment the
of the Finance and Audit Committee since 2018. credit union’s risk management.
During her six years on the board, Sing has led the Brian Tribell, with 12 years of
development of multiple strategic plans and played experience in the financial sector,
a vital role in its COVID-19 planning and response. has been promoted to this
new position. He will analyze
People News data using fraud detection
software to reduce LAFCU’s
On November 16, 2020, the Delta Township financial risk, support the annual, independent