Page 19 - LRCC January 2021 Focus
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residents and visitors while also marketing the Dawn Clark of Modern Woodmen and Melissa fun facts about reindeer from Rooftop Landing
artists’ individual entrepreneurial pursuits. The Rabideau of Tinkr Labs were instrumental in Reindeer Farm, Clare. Musical performances were
2020/2021 billboards will feature each artist’s producing and distributing the PPE. presented by DeWitt Community Singers and
work individually for two months on multiple Zachary Clark, a Lansing-area gospel singer and
boards throughout Greater Lansing and beyond As Sparrow Eaton Hospital approached a LAFCU help desk computer technician.
in conjunction with a two-week splash of all six milestone of performing 10,000 COVID-19 tests,
artist billboards that will begin in the new year. and expects increased demand in December, the Sparrow Virtual Health services have provided
hospital relocated its testing to AL!VE to improve unprecedented access to patients during the
As unemployment numbers in Michigan access to the community and accommodate traffic pandemic and is now expanding services to students
are predicted to spike again, Capital Area and winter weather. Mid-Michigan residents can at Olivet College. Under a special promotional
Manufacturing Council, Capital Area Michigan use a drive-thru lane at AL!VE, 800 W. Lawrence arrangement, Olivet will promote the MySparrow
Works!, GST Michigan Works!, Michigan Ave., Charlotte, to receive the PCR nasopharyngeal portal to students, faculty, and staff to provide
Works! Southeast and Lansing Community swab, the most accurate and dependable health and wellness care. Through the MySparrow
College hosted a virtual manufacturing job fair COVID-19 test. The site, accessible through the portal patients can access an on-demand video
on Tuesday, Dec. 8. The Manufacturing Virtual east drive of AL!VE, will be open Monday-Friday, visit with an urgent care provider from their
Job Fair was broken into two different sessions 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. smartphone, tablet or computer with a microphone
featuring more than 40 different manufacturing and camera between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.,
employers ranging from Alro Steel to Emergent The Lansing Economic Area Partnership seven days a week. In addition to communicating
BioSolutions and WestRock to PepsiCo. (LEAP) and its partners at the Michigan with a Sparrow provider, the portal now provides a
Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) symptom checker to determine if COVID testing
Mason’s Modern Woodmen of America office and Michigan Capital Region Small Business is needed and to access test results. The portal is
partnered with Tinkr Labs, in the Meridian Mall, Development Center (MI-SBDC) are proud unique in the mid-Michigan market.
to raise funds and produce Personal Protective to announce a strong summer for Lansing region
Equipment (PPE) for local hospitals and first BAF recipients. The BAF program is administered Slated to open in early February of 2021, the
responders in the Mason and Lansing area. What by the MI-SBDC in partnership with MEDC and Courtyard by Marriott Lansing Downtown is
made this fraternal event unique was the outpouring is traditionally available to participating business ideally located within walking distance to the State
of local volunteers. More than 100 private citizens accelerators, such as LEAP, in Michigan’s statewide Capitol, Cooley Law School Stadium, the Lansing
volunteered their 3D printers to produce more than SmartZone network to help high-tech companies Center, and downtown businesses. The hotel’s
10,000 face shields and 5,000 protective masks. purchase specialized services that are not otherwise completion is the last piece of the BLOCK600
available to them through accelerators. In 2020, project that also features the Capital City Market and
BAF companies reported adding 12 new full-time residential lofts. The Courtyard by Marriott Lansing
equivalent (FTE) jobs with an average salary of Downtown can accommodate meetings in their
more than $43,000. The companies were awarded 1,689 sq. ft. function space and also offer discounted
$782,000 in federal research funds, more than $7 room rates for your group or corporate travelers.
clarity confidence effectiveness vitality
million in follow-on investment, $2 million in new Please reach out to the hotel directly if you are
THE FIT LEADER’S PROGRAM ™ sales, eight patents and six newly commercialized looking for clean and comfortable accommodations
products. in the coming year: (517) 367-6677 n
As part of the reorganization of Minor League
Baseball entering the 2021 season, the Lansing
Lugnuts announced that they have received an
"Even more elegant than I had hoped
for, the Fit Leader’s Program opens invitation to partner as the new High A Midwest
doors for me, and shaved years off "The Fit Leader’s Program was
creating my own program!" exactly what we needed to move League affiliate of the 2020 American League
our internal talent to leadership
greatness!" West champion, Oakland Athletics.
"My next promotion came much faster
once the Fit Leader’s Program helped me Burcham Hills shared the joy of the holidays in a
increase my Clarity, Confidence,
Effectiveness and Vitality." safe and engaging way by presenting its first drive-
thru Burcham Hills Festival of Lights, on Dec. 21
and 22. The event featured 13,500 twinkling lights,
live holiday music, Santa and contactless delivery of
The Leadership Fitness Experience is unique free hot chocolate, and candy canes.
among executive development programs because If your organization has news to
of its highly effective combination of:
share, whether it's a recent
• Tool-based workshops promotion, award, distinction
• Professional coaching
• Leadership assessments or new hire, please send your news
• Online resources
releases or a short paragraph
LAFCU partnered with Grand Ledge Area
ROSS WOODSTOCK SUSAN COMBS highlighting the good news to Ashley
(517) 410-7636 (517) 231-7606 District Library to present the LAFCU Listen Sandborn, director of marketing and
& Learn Christmas Special, Tuesday, Dec. 15.
It was available free via Webex, an internet communications, LRCC, at
Authorized Licensee of the Institute for Leadership Fitness. videoconferencing application. Viewers were able
to experience Santa reading a story, and there were