Page 16 - LRCC August 2022 Focus
P. 16


                                                                                                                      Nate Lentz/Tandem Studios/FirstLast Media

                                             "WE ARE FORTUNATE TO
        the past 40 years at Baryames       HAVE HAD GOOD HEALTH,                    “They love what they do and we
        Tuxedo and Suit. There were no      GOOD PEOPLE AND GOOD                      really needed them during what
        computers in place when Katina                                                was a very difficult time in our
        started in 1982.                      CUSTOMERS. WE HAVE                      business,” said Katina.
                                                   BEEN BLESSED."
        “There was no system to do a                                                  Being able to adapt and willing
        reservation via computer,” said                                               to change with the times has also
        Katina. “We had a large log book where we had to write   been a trademark of the Baryames success story.
        the customer’s reservation information. It was very time
        consuming and not particularly accurate.”              “Making those moves to invest in technology and
                                                                equipment, different methods and ways of doing things,”
        Now, computers handle all of that including logging the   said Art. “It is critical. Because if you don’t, you fall behind.”
        customer’s measurements. They can track history and
        information about what is renting. Technology has also   Both Baryames businesses have taken advantage of
        dramatically improved their customer communication      associating with a network of similar businesses. Baryames
        system. Rather than a phone call, it is a text or e-mail.   Tuxedo and Suit belongs to a group called SIFA, which
        They provide regular updates on the status of every order.  is a network of independent operators who provide a
                                                                fitting network for people around the country. Being able
        “It takes the worry factor out because they may have    to do those fittings for people from outside the Lansing
        placed the order six months ago,” said Katina. “It provides   area allows Baryames to compete with large national
        an assurance their order is on track.”                  companies.

        The other big change in the tuxedo-suit business has    Baryames Cleaners is part of a group called the National
        been the advent of the designer labels which are popular   Roundtable, which consists of 17 dry cleaners who share
        with many customers. About 15 years ago, Baryames       best practices, innovations and different approaches to
        Tuxedo and Suit added a line of suits for sale or rent   common problems.
        which are an attractive option for weddings held in rustic
        settings and venues.                                    100 YEARS AND COUNTING

        KEYS TO SUCCESS                                         If there is a club for businesses that make it to the century
                                                                mark, membership would be very exclusive. For 100
        Art and Katina give much credit to their father for     years, loyal customers have always been a trademark of
        instilling a strong work ethic and mentoring them in both   the Baryames business for which Art and Katina are very
        life and business skills. Though Chuck Baryames passed   thankful.
        away in 2012, his legacy and memory still hold great
        influence.                                             “Our customers have been very loyal to Baryames,” said
                                                                Katina. “They like to support local businesses. If there is a
        “He taught me so much. He mentored me. I feel like he   choice, they will go to the local person. It makes you feel
        still walks with me,” said Katina. “Those lessons are with   good, like we are doing something right.”
        me every day.”
                                                               “We are fortunate to have had good health, good people
        Fresh products and new styles have also been            and good customers,” said Art. “We have been blessed.”
        trademarks that have helped her company be successful.
        Both Katina and Art credit their strong staff for a big part   For more information about Baryames Cleaners, visit
        of their success. Katina was particularly grateful that her For Baryames Tuxedo and
        entire team returned to work after the Covid shutdown.  Suit, visit l

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