Page 19 - LRCC August 2022 Focus
P. 19                                                                              ADVOCACY

        State Budget Approved, $7B Still in Play

              he State Legislature                              Governor and State Legislature on advocating for our
              approved the 2022-                                regional priorities in the coming months.
        T23 budget ($76
        billion overall budget,                                   •  Downtown Lansing, Inc. - $5 million
        which includes $19.6                                        (LRCC | CAPCOG Priority Request)
        billion in School Aid                                     •  Potter Park Zoo - $2 million (LRCC | CAPCOG
        Fund [Senate Bill                                           Priority Request)
        845] and $15.3 billion                                    •  Michigan Reconnect & Going PRO - $110 million
        in General Fund                                             (LRCC Priority Request – Workforce Development)
        [House Bill 5783]),                                       •  Statewide Pre-Apprenticeship Program - $10
        however; there is still                                     million (LRCC Priority Request – Workforce
        $7 billion left for the                                     Development)
        Governor and Legislature                                  •  New Behavioral Health Center at former McLaren
        to decide on how best to                                    Greenlawn Hospital - $5 million (LRCC priority
        spend those dollars. The $7 billion                         request – healthcare accessibility and affordability)
        consists of one-time surplus dollars and ongoing          •  Revenue Sharing for Local Governments –
        funding.                                                    6% increase
                                                                  •  Grants for Local Units of Government to Fund
        Here are a few wins for the Chamber’s priority              Retirement Systems - $750 million
        requests as well as for our region overall. The Chamber   •  MSU AgBioResearch Program - $2.6 million
        along with our partners at the Capital Council of           increase
        Governments (CAPCOG) will continue to work with the       •  MSU Extension Program - $1.2 million increase l

                                                                              THE DEAN



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