Page 15 - LRCC June 2022 Focus
P. 15                                                                              ADVOCACY

        LRC-PAC Endorses Brian Daniels for 1st Ward Lansing

        City Council Seat

              he Lansing Regional                                                  economy, for jobs in the future, for
              Chamber of Commerce                                                  changes in technology, and is a
        TPolitical Action Committee                                                strong supporter of infrastructure
        (LRC-PAC) has endorsed Lansing                                             upgrades. Brian is a passionate
        City Council member Brian Daniels                                          supporter of cleaning up parks,
        in the race for the 1st Ward council                                       protecting natural resources,
        seat on the Aug. 2 primary and                                             building development, urban
        Nov. 6 general election ballots. In                                        farming and community cohesion.
        February, Daniels, a small business
        owner on Lansing’s east side and                                           “Councilman Daniels gets it and
        U.S. Army veteran, was appointed                                           he will continue to deliver a
        to the council to fill an existing                                         meaningful, measurable track
        vacancy.                                                                   record of success for Lansing’s 1st
                                                                                   Ward,” said Steve Japinga, senior
        “We have been very impressed by                                            vice president, public affairs,
        Brian Daniels because of his fierce                                        Lansing Regional Chamber of
        integrity and abilities as a problem                                       Commerce. “Brian is focused on
        solver committed to real solutions                                         ensuring a cleaner, safer, and
        and results,” said Kevin Shaw, chair,                                      healthier Lansing, and he shares
        LRC-PAC. "We firmly believe in                                             our vision for the future of our
        Brian’s commitment to work                                                 region.”
        side-by-side with residents and small businesses in the           Daniels
        1st ward.”                                              The LRC-PAC is the political action committee of the
                                                                Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce, representing
        Brian Daniels is the founder of emPOWer Lansing,        over 1,000 businesses in the Greater Lansing region.
        a local boxing gym. His experience in the military      The objective of LRC-PAC is to endorse candidates that
        gave him a powerful sense of duty and the urge to       support a favorable business climate throughout the
        continue to serve. He has advocated for changes in the   region. l

          The Lansing Regional Chamber hosted a Business Roundtable on May 6. Business leaders from across the region had the
          opportunity to engage with Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin and Congressman Peter Meijer as they addressed a wide range of issues
          that impact mid-Michigan’s business community, including the economy, infrastructure, budget negotiations, Afghanistan, the
          COVID-19 pandemic and Russian-Ukraine war. (Nate Lentz/First Last Media/Tandem Studios)

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