Page 20 - LRCC June 2022 Focus
P. 20

Beachler says Wharton Center has given the region       Among the many programs offered through Wharton is
        another reason to be proud.                             Take It From the Top, which are musical workshops taught
                                                                by experienced Broadway professionals who take time out
        “Wharton Center has been a magnet for arts and          of their schedules and shows to come to East Lansing and
        culture not only in the Greater Lansing region but for   engage with local students. Wharton’s Young Playwrights
        the entire state of Michigan,” said Beachler. “When we   Festival has allowed Michigan high school students to see
        started this project, we were referring to the center as   their one-act plays brought to life on the Pasant Theater
        the state’s Center for Performing Art. We wanted it to   stage. The Sutton Foster Awards honor outstanding student
        be recognized both locally and statewide as an official   achievement in high school musical theater. Wharton
        Performing Arts Center and I think that has happened.”  sponsors Michigan’s statewide contest, sending two
                                                                winners to compete on a Broadway stage in New York City.
        COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS                                   The Disney Musical in Schools program is an opportunity
                                                                for younger children to learn how to do a Broadway
        Brand is particularly proud of Wharton’s progress       musical. The program was started by the Disney Theatrical
        during his tenure in education programs and             in New York City. Wharton is one of many sites around
        community outreach that have served to connect          the country that offers the program to provide under-
        people to the arts. Thousands of students have gone     resourced schools with help in producing a 30-minute
        through various education programs at the Wharton       version of a Disney musical. Disney originally underwrote
        Center. Brand notes that many of the performers that    the program, but Wharton funders and supporters have
        come to town are actively involved in that educational   since taken it over.
        outreach that is helping kids in the community grow.
                                                               “Students get 17 rehearsals with a professional
        “You may see the actors in their roles on the stage,    choreographer and musical director in their school to learn
        but a lot of them during the daytime hours and          how to do a Disney musical,” said Goldstein. “They can then
        sometimes even before and after the shows are           perform the show for families in their schools as many times
        in the school systems and at the university working     as possible. Then, they come to Wharton for a sharing day
        with teachers and faculty to enhance their ability to   when they get an opportunity to share the play for family
        bring arts education into the lives of students,”       and friends on the Cobb Great Hall stage.”
        said Brand.
                                                                The Disney program also works to create a sustainable
        The Wharton Center Institute for                        program in schools by helping train teachers to be
        Arts and Creativity offers many ways                    choreographers and musical directors so they can keep
        to inspire the mind and move the                        the program going year after year.
        soul through arts engagement and
        education. In many cases, people                        Mike Brand and his team have placed a strong emphasis
        who participate say the experience                      on reaching out more deeply into the community to bring
        has been a difference-maker.                            the arts to disadvantaged populations that cannot afford
                                                                the cost of tickets. A new program to help cover some of
        “We just did the Young Playwrights   Goldstein          those costs will be available next season.
        Festival in Traverse City and one of
        the playwrights wrote a play that
        got produced and over 100 people
        saw it,” said Bert Goldstein, director
        of the Wharton Center Institute
        for Arts and Creativity. “The young
        woman who wrote the play
        described it as life-changing.”

        The Institute exposes kids to
        singing, dancing and Shakespeare.
        The program also helps teachers
        integrate arts into the classroom                                                                             Wharton Center for Performing Arts
        and touches many people from
        disadvantaged populations.

        “We have a lot of people who never
        had an arts experience before,”     The Wharton Center Institute exposes kids to singing, dancing and Shakespeare. The program
        said Goldstein. “It opens up a whole   also helps teachers integrate arts into the classroom and touches many people from disadvantaged
        new world for so many kids.”        populations.

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