Page 24 - LRCC June 2022 Focus
P. 24

#LOVELANSING                                                                FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JUNE 2022

        Executive Director Joan Nelson to Retire This Summer After

        23 years Leading Allen Neighborhood Center


             oan Nelson, one of four                            identity, while addressing the needs of our neighbors,”
             neighborhood leaders who                           said Nelson. “I am deeply grateful for the last 25 years.
        Jfounded the Allen Neighbor                             ANC has given me an extraordinary opportunity to
        Center (ANC) in 1999 and the                            join with neighbors and other stakeholders in crafting
        organization’s sole executive director                  strategies to build a strong, sustainable community
        over its successful 23-year history,                    and address long-standing, enduring challenges
        will retire in late summer 2022.                        like poverty, hunger, and lack of access to housing,
                                                                healthcare, and other resources.”
        Nelson has led ANC as it has grown
        and evolved over the past two        Nelson             The ANC Board of Directors publicly launched its search
        decades into a dynamic hub where                                           for its next Executive Director
        Lansing Eastside neighbors can                                             who will serve as an effective and
        access resources to improve their                                          faithful steward of ANC’s legacy,
        health and well-being, expand                                              maintain the organization’s social
        their capacity to seize job and                                            entrepreneurial spirit, and inspire
        entrepreneurial opportunities,                                             the trust, confidence, and respect
        foster a strong sense of place,                                            of the ANC staff, the Eastside
        belonging, and community pride,                                            neighborhood, and partners
        and build a safe, sustainable, and                                         throughout the Greater Lansing
        thriving neighborhood. Nelson                                              community.
        was honored with the Lansing
        Regional Chamber of Commerce's                                            “Joan Nelson’s combination of
        Community Service Award in 2021.                                           unbounded energy, creative and
                                                                                   strategic thinking, courageous
        Beginning with its Youth Service                                           and committed leadership, and
        Corps in 1999 — and a food pantry,                                         passion for Lansing’s Eastside
        senior program, and neighborhood                                           is irreplaceable,” said John Lum,
        newsletter the following year,                                             president of the ANC Board of
        Nelson has guided ANC in                                                   Directors. “Our board is seeking
        establishing and maintaining                                               a leader who will stand on Joan’s
        the Allen Farmers Market (2004),                                           shoulders, loves the Eastside as
        the Hunter Park GardenHouse                                                much as she does, and effectively
        (2008), and Allen Market Place, a                                          serve ANC’s historic mission, while
        multifunctional food resource center (2013).            applying their skills and talents to shape ANC’s future
                                                                and assist neighbors in meeting ever-evolving needs.”
        Throughout its history, ANC has engaged neighbors
        through an annual door-to-door canvass and assisted     The ANC Board of Directors is seeking a strategic
        in enrolling in healthcare coverage and accessing local   thinker and an inclusive, visionary leader with a passion
        housing resources. On June 24, it will host an open     for the Eastside neighborhood and ANC’s values as
        house celebrating the completion of the Allen Place     a community organization that pursues neighbor-
        development, which brings additional commercial         driven solutions. The ideal candidate will possess a
        kitchens, apartments, a clinic, and grocery store to    demonstrated comfort level working with diverse and
        the Eastside.                                           vulnerable populations, natural problem-solving abilities,
                                                                a strong track record in nonprofit fundraising, and the
        “The Eastside is a truly special neighborhood that has   ability to lead and inspire a highly capable staff of 10-12
        been self-directing, connected and mobilized for at     team members and a small army of volunteers. l
        least the last 50 years. This makes it an easy place to do
        our work of contributing to a sense of belonging and

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