Page 26 - LRCC June 2022 Focus
P. 26

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                         FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JUNE 2022

        NEW HIRES                            at 15851 S U.S. Hwy 27, Suite 16 in   is pleased to announce its new
                                             Lansing: Montayea Jefferson-Hoard,    business development manager for
                                             Tiffinay Burgess and Adam Torok.      the manufacturing sector, Rodney
                                             Contact Kyle Shaw at (517)372-2273 or   Holmes. Rod comes to the BCI with
                                                a bachelor’s degree in management/
                                                                                   healthcare and a master’s degree
                                                               Tandem Studios,     in business administration. His
                                                               a Lansing-based     previous roles include eight years
                                                               boutique creative   with Dart Container Corporation
                                                               design agency,      as an administrative account
                                                               is pleased to       manager, and seven years with Pfizer
                                                               announce the        Pharmaceuticals as a professional
        Fisher            Sims
                                                               addition of Emily   healthcare representative.
                                                               Vanderhoef as
                                                               junior graphic                       Shawn Turner
                                                               designer. Emily is                   has been
                                                               a recent graduate                    selected to
                                             of LCC's graphic communication                         serve as interim
                                             program and brings talents in                          general manager
                                             graphic design, illustration and                       and director of
                                             customer service.                                      broadcasting
                                                                                                    at WKAR
        Stanke            Wilkinson          EXIT Great Lakes Realty is pleased                     Public Media
        Ngage Management is pleased          to announce that Barbara Danes        Turner           at Michigan
        to welcome the following new         and Daniel McCann have joined                          State University.
        members to its team: Nichole         its growing team of dedicated real    Turner is a professor of practice
        Fisher, CMP, association director;   estate sales professionals. Located   in the College of Communication
        Shelby Sims, client services         at 115 W. Lawrence Ave. in Charlotte,   Arts and Sciences at MSU and a
        coordinator; Katy Stanke, event      EXIT Great Lakes Realty is a proud    national security communication
        and membership project manager;      member of EXIT Realty Upper           analyst for CNN. Susi Elkins, current
        Tiffany Wilkinson, member services   Midwest's rapidly expanding network   general manager and director of
        specialist. A recipient of the Tony   of independently owned and           broadcasting at WKAR, announced
        Payne Lifetime Achievement Award     operated brokerages.                  that she is leaving the public
        in 2022, Fisher brings more than 23                                        broadcasting station at the end of
        years of experience to her role. Her                   Delta Township      May. Elkins has accepted a position
        background includes expertise in                       is proud to         at MSU Federal Credit Union,
        associations, strategic partnerships,                  welcome Kyla        headquartered in East Lansing.
        and meeting planning. Sims                             Moore as the
        recently obtained her bachelor’s                       newest member                        As Michigan
        degree in marketing from Michigan                      of its human                         Education Trust
        State University and brings fresh                      resources                            (MET) celebrates
        eyes and new ideas to the table                        department. Kyla                     35 years of
        where she provides event and                           will serve as the                    helping families
        member support to several clients.   Moore             human resources                      save for college,
        Stanke has more than 20 years of                       director and                         Amy Decker
        professional experience, including   comes to Delta Township after                          is a welcomed
        expertise in customer service,       many years of service at the State of                  addition to the
        project management, and event        Michigan with the Secretary of State,   Decker         dynamic team
        coordination. Wilkinson’s experience   Civil Service Commission serving the                 in advancing its
        includes expertise in association    MI HR Service Center, Department of   vision of outreach. As the outreach
        membership, customer service,        Technology, and Management and        analyst for MET, Amy will build a
        legislation, and legalities.         Budget, Michigan Department of        network that educates and advocates
                                             Transportation, and most recently,    saving for college rather than
        Weichert® affiliated offices in the   human resources manager for          incurring debt. Amy brings more
        Lansing area have recently added the   Michigan Department of Corrections.  than 15 years of higher education
        following individuals to their team of                                     experience and strong marketing
        knowledgeable agents at Weichert,    The Business & Community Institute    background. She truly understands
        Realtors® - Home Towne, located      (BCI) at Lansing Community College    how organizations can partner with

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