Page 28 - LRCC June 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                         FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JUNE 2022

        annual eCities study conducted       The awards honor the outstanding      several other awards for public
        by researchers at iLabs, University   achievers and achievements in 2021   relations campaigns and tactics.
        of Michigan-Dearborn’s Center for    by print, broadcast, photo, digital   The agency took home 12 awards
        Innovation Research. For the 11th    and other practicing journalists      – 10 for the firm overall and two
        consecutive year, Delta Township was   throughout Michigan.                individual honors. The annual
        honored as a five-star community.                                          event honors the achievements
        The township is among 178 other                                            of public relations agencies and
        communities across the state to be                                         communications professionals in
        recognized this year.                                                      Central Michigan and the East-
                                                                                   Central United States.
                          to Mason High                                            DISTINCTIONS
                          School teacher
                          Dean Thompson,                                           Financial Technology, Inc. of East
                          who received                                             Lansing has been placed on the
                          the Mason                                                National Association of Plan Advisors’
                          Area Chamber                                             (NAPA) list of the nation’s top defined
                          of Commerce        Sparrow Carson Hospital named         contribution advisor teams. This
                          Excellence in      two outstanding nurses as its 2022    represents the sixth consecutive year
                          Education Award    Nurses of the Year and celebrated     in which the East Lansing-based
                          at the Mason       its caregivers for their many         firm has been recognized as one
        Area Chamber’s annual awards         accomplishments while fighting a      NAPA’s top defined contribution
        dinner on March 17. The district     pandemic. The honorees, Nathan        plan providers. Unlike other lists,
        nominated Dean to receive this       MacLaren, R.N., of the emergency      this focuses on individual firms, or
        award because of his dedication to   department, and Jeremy Steere,        what may be referred to as a team
        Mason students. Dean has worked as   R.N., medical surgical services, were   or office, and the assets under
        a math interventionist, math teacher   both worthy of the award because    advisement related to their defined
        and math department chairperson.     of their exemplary dedication to      contribution practice, specifically in a
        He also serves on the Guiding        Sparrow Carson and the excellent      single physical location.
        Coalition School Improvement Team.   patient care they provide every shift.
        Highfields announced two                               Mason Public                         Rehabilitation
        prestigious awards presented at                        Schools                              would like to
        their Annual Meeting on April 27 at                    (MPS) Board                          congratulate
        Hawk Hollow: Highfields’ Partnership                   of Education                         Occupational
        Award – Foster Swift Collins & Smith                   member, Patrick                      Therapist,
        PC and Robert L. Drake Citizenship                     O’Connor has                         Monica Novak
        Award – Tom and Lisa Jelenek.                          been honored                         for becoming a
                                                               by the Michigan                      Certified Driving
        Sparrow Eaton Hospital has named                       Association         Novak            Instructor and
        Andrew (Andy) Reule, R.N., as its    O'Connor          of School                            completing her
        2021 Nurse of the Year. Reule, an R.N.                 Boards (MASB)       Certified Dementia Practitioner
        on Sparrow Eaton’s med surgical      for his efforts to improve his        renewal.
        team, has been a nurse for eight     leadership skills, demonstrating
        years, having recently celebrated    his commitment to student             Shaneca Embry, R.N., a Sparrow
        his 10-year anniversary. Before      achievement and his continuous        Granger Pediatric Emergency
        becoming a nurse, he worked as       improvement. O’Connor received        Department nurse, has been
        a certified nursing assistant in     both a Certified Board Member         honored with Sparrow’s first Spirit of
        the emergency department while       Award and Award of Merit from         Excellence Award for her dedication,
        attending nursing school.            MASB at the April 11 MPS board        hard work and exemplary patient
                                             meeting.                              service. The award is unique in that
        The radio news team at WKAR                                                it relies on data and comments
        Public Media at Michigan State       Martin Waymire stood out as           from patients and family members
        University has earned six Excellence   the elite communications firm in    following their discharge from
        in Journalism awards from the        the Lansing region. At this year’s    Sparrow. It recognizes a highly-skilled
        Detroit chapter of the Society of    PACE Awards ceremony, the firm        caregiver whose performance is
        Professional Journalists (SPJ Detroit),   swept individual honors and top   consistently exemplary in providing
        including one first place award.     overall awards while also claiming    leading-edge medicine.

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