Page 33 - LRCC June 2022 Focus
P. 33                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        community. Those groups include      fulfilling one of several goals to    to hundreds of organizations in the
        the Sparrow Service Auxiliary; Women   continually incorporate sustainability   communities MSUFCU serves daily.
        Working Wonders; Sparrow Hospital    into its operations and service delivery.   This impact is possible because of
        Guild; Sparrow Clinton gift shop;    In 2020, CATA’s Sustainability Plan   donations from individuals and
        and St. Lawrence gift shop, among    was adopted. The plan defines CATA’s   organizations looking to make
        others. Sparrow Ionia Hospital       commitment to sustainability; its     a difference in the communities
        currently has 47 volunteers that assist   strategy, structure and systems; and   MSUFCU serves.
        in transporting patients arriving or   outlines the Authority’s approach,
        leaving the hospital and working in   accomplishments and vision.
        the gift shop, welcome center, and
        surgery lounge.                      In celebration of MSU Federal Credit
                                             Union’s (MSUFCU) Auburn Hills
        Sparrow Eaton Hospital’s volunteer   Regional Office Grand Opening,
        organization, the Generosity Guild, is   the Credit Union held an auto loan
        actively recruiting and always looking   promotion to win a year’s worth of
        for new community members to         car payments. One lucky winner,
        share their skills and talents across   Stephanie F., received $5,500 to cover
        an array of volunteer positions. You   her MSUFCU auto loan payments for
        may give of your time in a number of   the next 12 months. From Jan. 1, to Feb.   The concept of a hybrid operating
        ways, from administrative support to   28, individuals could enter MSUFCU’s   room is new to health care. It is an
        being a friendly face at Heritage Hall   sweepstakes for a chance to win up   advanced procedural space that
        (our outpatient lobby), to positions   to $6,000 to cover 12 months’ worth   takes a traditional operating room
        on their Sparrow Eaton Auxiliary, at   of their car payments. MSUFCU       and combines it with an image-
        AL!VE, and more. They also offer a teen   chose that dollar amount ($6,000) as   guided interventional suite. This new
        volunteer program for teens ages 16-  the average monthly car payment      operating room allows McLaren
        17 (who have completed 10th grade)   is around $500 — equating to the      Greater Lansing to perform complex
        looking for community service hours   average annual cost of car payments.   surgeries for patients in the Lansing
        or experience.                                                             community. Hybrid operating rooms
                                             MSUFCU’s foundation, Desk             allow for minimally-invasive repair
        The Capital Area Transportation      Drawer Fund, celebrated its third     of heart valves and treatment of
        Authority’s board of directors voted   anniversary April 1. The Desk Drawer   arrhythmias, aortic aneurysms, and
        unanimously to approve an initiative   Fund launched in April 2019 with    coronary arteries. There are several
        that would commit the public         the mission to empower employees,     cardiac and vascular procedures
        transportation service provider to   members, and other businesses to      performed in a hybrid operating
        transition its entire fleet of revenue   contribute to a universal well-being   room. Hybrid operating rooms
        and non-revenue vehicles to zero-    by investing in our local communities   provide flexibility in what surgeries
        emission by 2035. In 2019, CATA      and helping them flourish. Since its   can be performed, and the way they
        converted 100 percent of its energy   inception, the Desk Drawer Fund      are designed is safer for advanced
        demand to renewable sources,         has donated more than $800,000        surgeries.

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