Page 32 - LRCC June 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                         FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JUNE 2022

        digital banking, payments, lending,                                        Partner 37 (Cinnaire F37) will support
        cybersecurity, and check processing                                        22 properties in Illinois, Indiana,
        and imaging. LAFCU is one of MDT’s                                         Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
        four credit union owners.                                                  Ten percent of the overall investment
                                                                                   support residents with special needs,
        Lansing Entertainment & Public                                             including Prominence Commons,
        Facilities Authority (LEPFA)                                               which includes the acquisition and
        announced three new appointments                                           rehabilitation of several scattered
        to its board of commissioners:                                             sites in Portage, Indiana, totaling
        Paul Collins, principal at Miller,                                         38 affordable units, and the new
        Canfield, Paddock and Stone, P.L.C.;                                       construction of a 12-unit building
        Danielle Lenz, vice president at                                           totaling 50 units. Thirty of these units
        Edge Partnerships. She also chairs   Ingham ISD Superintendent, Jason      will serve those who are homeless or
        the Authority’s Strategic Planning   Mellema, presents a scholarship check to   at risk of becoming homeless.
                                             Wilson Talent Center senior, Thu (Skye)
        Committee; and Maureen McNaulty      Vo.
        Saxton, vice president at Van Dyke                                         Child and Family Charities launched
        Horn Public Relations. She serves on   COMPANY NEWS                        its 2022 capital campaign, Be the
        the LEPFA’s Finance Committee.                                             Light, to build a comprehensive,
                                             On Tuesday, March 15, the Wilson      centralized campus on the former
                                             Talent Center (WTC) awarded           Greater Lansing McLaren property.
                                             nearly $21,000 in scholarships to     The campaign will raise funds to
                                             graduating seniors. To be eligible,   transform a portion of the former
                                             students needed to complete a         hospital site on the city’s southside
                                             scholarship application and have      into a continuum-of-care hub to
                                             a recommendation from their           best meet the needs of today’s
                                             WTC instructor. Four outstanding      modern families. The $7 million
                                             alumni were also recognized for       project received a major boost from
                                             their success after leaving the WTC   longtime corporate partner Jackson
                                             and contributions to their respective   National Life Insurance Company
                                             industries. The scholarships are made   (Jackson®) and its associates, who
        Highfields recently inducted seven   possible by the generous donations    donated $940,000 to underwrite
        members to its board of directors:   from individuals, businesses and      the cost of The Jackson House, a
        Aaron Davis, Fraser Trebilcock;      community partners.                   dedicated home for youth who lack
        Amanda Denney, MSU Federal                                                 safe, stable housing.
        Credit Union; Ashley Higginson,      It’s been just over three months since
        Miller Canfield; Dan Korte, Clark    McLaren Greater Lansing moved
        Construction; Tom Reder, Bergmann    from its legacy hospitals to a brand-
        Associates; Jacob Sabins, Clark      new hospital at 2900 Collins Road in
        Trombley Randers and Capt. Anthony   Lansing. While all inpatient services
        Stewart, Jackson County – Wesley     moved on March 6, some of the
        Street Jail.                         outpatient services remained at the
                                             existing hospitals until construction
        PEOPLE NEWS                          on their new home at the health care
                                             campus was complete. Outpatient
                          After 47 years     services have now moved to the
                          of service to      Health and Wellness Pavilion, located
                          the residents of   at 3101 Discovery Drive, next to the
                          Delta Township,    new hospital.                         Sparrow celebrated its volunteers
                          Dave Swink has                                           during this National Volunteer Week
                          retired to a life   Cinnaire has announced the closing   and is asking more community
                          of leisure and     of a $145 million low-income housing   members to consider serving the
                          new adventures.    tax credit (LIHTC) equity fund that   Mid-Michigan region. Sparrow
                          Swink, who         will finance the development or       Health System has about 725 active
                          served as          preservation of more than 1,600       volunteers who logged over 41,000
                          the Water          affordable homes in five states.      hours in 2021. Through the decades,
        Distribution Supervisor in the Utility   Nineteen investors, many repeat   volunteer groups have raised some
        Department, officially retired on April   investors, are participating in the fund.   $14.4 million to provide care and
        15.                                  Cinnaire’s Fund for Housing Limited   services to our patients and the

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