Page 27 - LRCC June 2022 Focus
P. 27                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        MET to fortify the next generation of                  over 30 years       Terry Terry was honored by the
        knowledgeable and skilled workers,                     as a partner/       Jazz Alliance of Mid-Michigan
        who are educated and invested in                       shareholder in      (JAMM) for his contributions to jazz
        the Michigan economy.                                  the firm and brief   at their annual awards tribute held
                                                               four year leave     on Saturday, April 23, at UrbanBeat
                          The Michigan                         to pursue other     in Old Town, Lansing. Terry has
                          Osteopathic                          ventures. Beall     helped the once-neglected area of
                          Association                          is a real estate    Lansing, and he has catalyzed the
                          (MOA) welcomes                       and commercial      community’s expansion through the
                          incoming           Beall             transactional       arts. Terry, the 13th JAMM honoree,
                          president,                           attorney            has spent much of the past three
                          Stephen Bell,      specializing in economic incentives.   decades bringing art to the streets
                          DO. Dr. Bell is                                          of Old Town. He’s the co-founder
                          certainly not      AWARDS                                of JazzFest Michigan and serves as
                          new to MOA                                               president of the Michigan Institute
                          Leadership as      The radio news team at WKAR           for Contemporary Art , the nonprofit
        he has represented the organization   Public Media at Michigan             producer of JazzFest Michigan and
        on boards and committees for many    State University has earned the       Michigan BluesFest.
        years. Currently, Dr. Bell serves as the   Outstanding News Operation
        chair for the MOA Safe Opioid Task   award from Michigan Associated                        Delta Township
        Force and serves on the Michigan     Press Media Editors for 2021. The                     has been
        Licensing Board.                     team at the public broadcasting                       recognized for
                                             station serving mid-Michigan                          its successes
        Loomis, Ewert, Parsley, Davis &      earned 11 first place and five second                 and efforts in
        Gotting P.C. is pleased to announce   place awards and WKAR’s Megan                        contributing to
        that Kenneth W. Beall has rejoined   Schellong received the Rising Star    Michigan’s entrepreneurial growth
        the firm as Of Counsel, following    Award for 2022.                       and economic development in the

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