Page 21 - LRCC February 2025 Focus
P. 21

Roberts was elected to the board                                           Association. Other 2024 MABA
        of directors, where he will serve                                          award winners were: Established
        as secretary.                                                              Business, Deb Moerland with
                                                                                   FirstLight Home Care of Greater
        Child and Family Charities                                                 Lansing; Member of the Year, Mark
        welcomes Steven Fitch, owner of                                            Lewis with M & M Moving and
        Your Home Solution Experts, as                                             Storage and President’s Award,
        the newest member of its board                                             Chris Stewart with Camelot
        of directors. With over a decade                                           Emergency Water Removal.
        of experience in for-profit and
        nonprofit sectors, Fitch brings
        invaluable expertise and leadership   STEM teacher Eric Bentley. The
        to the organization. Fitch’s clients   LIFE Grant funded an undersea-
        range from energy companies          themed mural, conceptualized
        to residential homeowners. He’s      and painted by local muralist Barb
        involved in nonprofit organizations,   Darling. Bentley also used the
        including VFW Home for Children,     grant to purchase 12 programmable
        CMIA (Kenya), The F4 Foundation,     robots, six iPad stands for stop-
        and The Greater Lansing HBA Toys     motion animation projects,
        for Tots.                            decorative lighting to complete
                                             the underwater adventure theme,
                          Michigan           and furniture such as a shark rug,
                          Certified           futon, mini couches, new cubbies,
                          Development        mats, and cushions. The LIFE Grant
                          Corporation        contest invited K-12 schools across
                          president Mark     Michigan to submit a short video      McLaren Greater Lansing nurse
                          Williams was       demonstrating how they would use      Rachel Mangopolous was
                          recently elected   the $10,000 grant to enhance their    honored with the DAISY Award for
                          as an at-large     educational environment. Entries      Extraordinary Nurses. The award
                          director of        were judged on creativity, impact,    is part of the DAISY Foundation’s
                          the National       and feasibility.                      program to recognize the
                          Association of                                           exceptional care nurses provide
        Development Companies. NADCO                           College HUNKS       every day. The nomination,
        is the trade association of Small                      Hauling Junk        submitted by a patient, reads: “I am
        Business Administration-certified                      and Moving          the husband of the patient, Arlene,
        development companies, or CDCs,                        Lansing has         who spent the entire weekend
        and other lenders who provide                          named Junior        at McLaren Greater Lansing with
        SBA loans and financing for small                      Captain Luke        a severe kidney and bladder
        businesses. Williams will serve a                      Sarrault its        infection. I wanted to tell you how
        one-year term. He will work with                      “2024 HUNK of        much I sincerely appreciate the
        the NADCO board in developing                          the Year.” The      professional and personal attention
        policies, priorities, and positions,   Sarrault        company noted       Rachel gave to my wife during her
        help provide direction of NADCO’s                      that Sarrault is    two-and-a-half-day stay. Through
        resources, serve on committees,      dedicated, hardworking, and always    her demeanor and general positive
        act as an ambassador for the         going above and beyond. As a          attitude, my wife was uplifted and
        organization, and contribute          leader and standout team member,     encouraged every time Rachel
        to decision-making processes.        he embraces tough challenges          came into her room.”
        Williams joined the Michigan         and tasks and puts in extra hours.
        Certified Development Corporation    Sarrault’s determination has made     LAFCU has received the
        as president in 2015.                a lasting impact on both his team     Community Impact-Legacy Award
                                             and the community.                    from Delta Township, an honor
        AWARDS                                                                     recognizing its dedication to
                                             Silas and Lindsey                     enriching its community since 1971.
        Credit union LAFCU awarded its       Coffelt of Graze                      The award was presented as part
        $10,000 LAFCU Innovation for         Craze received                        of the Delta Township Community
        Education (LIFE) Grant to Perry      the “New                              Impact Awards Program, which
        Upper Elementary School. The         Business of the                       celebrates individuals, businesses,
        grant, part of LAFCU’s Pathway to    Year Award” from                      and organizations for their
        Financial Transformation initiative,   the Meridian                        contributions to the township’s
        was presented to the school’s        Area Business                         quality of life. LAFCU supports

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