Page 22 - LRCC February 2025 Focus
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ADHD, panic attacks, depression,
                                                                                   anxiety, eating disorders, sleep
                                                                                   disorders, obsessive-compulsive
                                                                                   disorder, and bipolar disorder. The
                                                                                   testing can be billed to insurance,
                                                                                   with results shared with the
                                                                                   customer’s medical provider,
                                                                                   therapist, or other care professional.

        LAFCU team members accept the Delta   Senator-elect Elissa Slotkin inside LCC
        Township Community Impact–Legacy Award   Mobile Health Education Vehicle. Photo by
        from Clerk Mary R. Clark.            Kevin W. Fowler
        local education initiatives and      and outreach activities across
        community events in the township,    the college’s five-county service
        such as the annual July 3rd          area, increasing offerings for in-
        Fireworks Show, Delta Township       person, interactive, and customized
        Community Impact Awards, and         healthy living education and
        Delta Rocks! Summer Events. LAFCU    awareness activities. Senator-elect
        has also collaborated with the       Elissa Slotkin was instrumental
        Delta Township District Library on   in obtaining the funding for the      McLaren Greater Lansing
        educational programs that inspire    project, helping to secure $400,000   completed its 10,000th robotic-
        learning and financial literacy. The   through the Health Resources        assisted procedure in 2024. The
        credit union has also advocated for   and Services Administration          10,000th case, an incisional hernia
        improved transportation access,      awards grants. The vehicle will       repair, was done on Sept. 30th by
        which led to the expansion of the    enable the community college          Dr. Nicholas St. Hilaire, a general
        CATA Route 3 bus service in Delta    to provide public health and          surgeon with McLaren Greater
        Township. LAFCU employees are        wellness information on oral health,   Lansing Minimally Invasive Surgical
        encouraged to take on leadership     healthy eating, physical activity,    Associates. McLaren Greater Lansing
        roles in various local organizations,   exercise, and self-care awareness;   launched its robotics program in
        reinforcing the credit union’s       hands-on skill labs in conjunction    2007 with its first da Vinci robotic-
        commitment to fostering a strong,    with didactic courses, and more       assisted procedure. Robotic surgery
        engaged community.                   interactive K-12 events catered to    can assist in surgery with more
                                             young people’s curiosity.             precision and dexterity than a
        Lori Shaw, trauma registrar and                                            human hand, leading to faster
        EMS liaison, was honored as the                                            recovery, less pain, and smaller scars
        newest recipient of McLaren                                                for surgical patients. Five specialties
        Greater Lansing’s Extraordinary                                            currently use the da Vinci robotic
        Employee of the Season Award.                                              system at McLaren Greater Lansing,
        Shaw has been at McLaren for                                               with plans to expand to include
        30 years and worked as a unit                                              gynecologic oncology in the coming
        coordinator and emergency                                                  months. The current specialties
        department’s administrative                                                are general surgery, urology,
        assistant/scheduler before                                                 gynecology, colorectal, and thoracic.
        moving into her current role as                                            McLaren Greater Lansing also has a
        trauma registrar/EMS liaison.                                              MAKO robotic arm-assisted system
        The Extraordinary Employee of                                              for hip and knee replacements, a
        The Season award is given to an                                            Brainlab navigation platform for
        individual each quarter. Nominees                                          spinal surgery, and an Ion robotic
        can be clinical or non-clinical staff at                                   system to biopsy lung nodules. u
        all levels and are chosen internally   Out of more than 100 Graze Craze
        by McLaren staff.                    stores globally, the Graze Craze store
                                             in Okemos ranked among the Top
        COMPANY NEWS                         Five stores in total holiday sales, at
                                             number four behind Fort Worth,
        Lansing Community College            Seattle, and Orlando.
        recently unveiled its new Mobile
        Health Education Vehicle. The        Mahabir Wellness now offers
        vehicle will allow LCC to expand     mental health assessment testing
        community health education            for a range of conditions, including

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