Page 20 - LRCC February 2025 Focus
P. 20

Members on the Move

        NEW HIRES                                                                  businesses through the process of
                                                                                   preparing for a successful sale.


                                                                                                    Choose Lansing
                                                                                                    has promoted
                                                                                                    Melissa Nay
                                                                                                    to director of
                                             Farmer            West                                 membership
                                                                                                    and community
        Phipps            Reed                                                                      engagement.
                                                                                                    Nay joined
        Custom Built recently welcomed                                                              Choose
        two new team members. Jason                                                Nay              Lansing in 2018.
        Phipps is the company’s newest                                                              Formerly the
        carpenter, with years of experience                                        organization’s membership and
        in trim carpentry. Meanwhile,                                              community outreach manager,
        Jonathan Reed is Custom                                                    Nay oversees all Choose Lansing
        Built’s new Boyne City project                                             membership activity, manages
        development advisor, heading up      Janzen            Trierweiler         and facilitates the Certified
        the Northern Michigan office.                                              Tourism Ambassador program,
                                             to manager roles. Farmer, a senior    and is involved in community
                          LAFCU has          manager in the accounting and         organizations related to Choose
                          added Justin       outsourced solutions department,      Lansing’s mission. She has a
                          Quainton as        brings eight years of experience      bachelor’s degree in advertising
                          a commercial       in governmental accounting            and communication from Michigan
                          lending officer.   to her role. She joined Joining       State University.
                          Quainton brings    Maner in 2022. West, a senior
                          over 12 years      manager in the audit department,      APPOINTMENTS
                          of experience      joined Maner in 2017 after two
                          in the banking     internships with the firm. Janzen,
        Quainton          industry to        a manager in the accounting and
                          his role at        outsourced solutions department,
        LAFCU, most recently serving         specializes in supporting
        as assistant vice president and      nonprofit clients with accounting,
        business banking relationship        bookkeeping, audit preparation,
        manager at a nationwide bank. In     and grant management. She also
        his new position, Quainton will      coordinates the department’s
        focus on originating, managing,      website and thought leadership
        and contributing to the oversight    efforts, ensuring clients stay        Morgan           Kauffman
        of the credit union’s portfolio of   informed about the latest insights.
        commercial loans. His LAFCU          Trierweiler, who was promoted to                       The
        responsibilities include identifying   manager in the audit department,                     shareholders of
        lending opportunities, structuring   began her career at Maner                              law firm Fraser
        customized financial solutions, and   Costerisan as an intern in 2019.                      Trebilcock
        building relationships with new                                                             have re-elected
        and existing business members.                         Exit Factor of                       Thaddeus
                                                               Grand Rapids                         E. Morgan
        Lansing-based public accounting                        and Lansing has                      as president
        and consulting firm Maner                              welcomed Tom                         of the firm.
        Costerisan has announced                               Donaldson to        Roberts          Shareholder
        four team promotions. Heather                          its team as an                       Ryan K.
        Farmer and Nick West have been                         exit strategist.    Kauffman was re-elected to the
        promoted to senior manager,                            Donaldson           board of directors, where he
        while Lindsey Janzen and Kenzie                        brings expertise    will serve as vice president and
        Trierweiler have been promoted       Donaldson         in guiding          treasurer. Shareholder Jared A.

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