Page 15 - LRCC February 2025 Focus
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value and experience of membership, especially for      What to Expect
        the region’s small businesses and their employees.
        That process will include developing more targeted      Daman said the Chamber will likely revisit the
        communications to better meet members’                  strategic plan in three to five years to see if it’s due for
        specific needs.                                         another refresh. The Chamber intended to reevaluate
                                                                the 2018 plan sooner, but the Covid pandemic
                           “We have to figure out how we can    necessitated a “heads down” approach to helping the
                            more effectively communicate        local business community move forward, he said.
                            and visually demonstrate to our
                            businesses that there are so many   The strategic plan drafted in 2018, along with the
                            ways for you to connect with the    Chamber’s mission statement, helped the organization
                            Chamber, not only as an employer    ease its operations through the worst of the pandemic,
                            and a business owner, but           Daman said.
                            getting your employees to utilize
                            the chamber as a professional      “I’m convinced that without having that base and
                            development vehicle,” Daman said.   that mission that our team had fully bought into
                           “That’s where the strategic plan is   and embraced, it would have been a much different
                            taking us, and I think              experience for our organization. I firmly do believe
                            that’s exciting.”                   that,” he said.

        In policy influence – which includes proactive          With this refreshed strategic plan, LRCC hopes to
        engagement with policymakers, advocacy efforts, and     continue to deliver the services the membership
        communication with members about what issues are        cited as most valuable to their own businesses
        more important to them – LRCC hopes to achieve 80       and the business community at large. Members
        percent positive outcomes on its legislative agenda,    surveyed noted they appreciate LRCC’s networking
        a 10 percent increase in donors to the LRCC political   opportunities, regional leadership, and pro-business
        action committee, and to increase contributions to the   public advocacy.
        nonprofit Advance Greater Lansing by 10 percent.
                                                                If LRCC is delivering on its members’ directive, the
        For the regional leadership piece, LRCC intends         Chamber hopes to show year-over-year revenue
        to maintain its leadership role of fostering connections   growth of 2 percent, achieve member engagement
        between business, government, education, and            levels of 65 percent, and increase engagement on
        community groups. To that end, the Chamber              social media and the LRCC website by 20 percent.
        plans to expand its communications efforts and
        complete the State of the Region Benchmarking           The Chamber also plans to develop a regional
        Report in partnership with the Lansing Economic         economic and policy dashboard based on the findings
        Area Partnership.                                       of the State of the Region Benchmarking Report.

        The newly configured strategic plan again emphasizes   “In my mind, the key to a successful strategic plan is
        excellent operations within the Chamber. By leveraging   that the members don’t necessarily notice there’s
        technology, fostering innovation, and making data-      a ‘plan,’” Resch said. “What they’re going to notice is
        driven decisions, LRCC intends to maintain its U.S.     that it’s a highly functional organization that meets
        Chamber of Commerce accreditation, establish a          well the needs of the Lansing business community. If
        customer relationship management system, update its     a member notices the Chamber’s doing that, then the
        organizational board bylaws, and promote a positive     strategic plan is working.”
        work environment for its staff.
                                                                Per the study by strategy facilitators Bales and
        Ultimately, LRCC is cognizant that retaining, attracting,   Johnson, the Chamber can measure its growth in
        and serving members means understanding what            a number of ways, from more members to deeper
        compels people to join a business-focused organization   involvement. Growth can include total membership
        amid ever-present shifts in the Lansing region’s        numbers but also new or enhanced sponsorships,
        economy, technology, and demographics.                  member engagement, event attendance, retention,
                                                                major projects, and partnerships.
        “It’s always the goal of the Chamber to grow to be able
        to add members and represent more members across        Most 2024 survey respondents — 78.5 percent —
        the Greater Lansing region,” Resch said. “So we’re      indicated that they have recommended Chamber
        looking at the services that we provide to make sure    membership to others.
        they continue to meet the needs of members. As the
        environment changes, the Chamber needs to change        LRCC’s new strategic plan isn’t the destination but a
        as well.”                                               roadmap for the future. There are always more ways

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