Page 13 - LRCC February 2025 Focus
P. 13

These Lansing Regional Chamber of
        The original strategic plan work in 2018 and the 2024       Commerce members came together in March
        refresh were conducted by Merri Jo Bales of StratAlign      2024 for a three-hour community café session
        20/20 and Bernadette Johnson of Inspired Action             to brainstorm and collaborate on how best to
        Motivates LLC. The pair submitted a final report on their   refresh the LRCC strategic plan:
        research to the Chamber in May 2024.
                                                                    Allison Horn MSUFCU     Kwafo Adarkwa
                                                                    Amanda Matelonek LRCC   ITC Holdings
                                                                                            Laurie Baumer
                                                                    Amy Scoby
           “It helps us frame what our                              The Christman Company   Captial Region Community
              organization is and what                              Anne Brown              Lisa Webb Sharpe Peckham
                                                                    Office of U.S. Senator Slotkin
                                                                                            Lisa Ellen Smith
          our role in the community is.                             Ashlee Willis           InVerve Marketing
                                                                    Michigan Premier Events
                                                                    Becky Kanaby            Lisa Fisher
                 Tim Daman, LRCC president and CEO                  Townsquare Media        Lisa Fisher Associates
                                                                    Ben Dowd CEDAM          Lisa O'Connor Publicom
                                                                    Ben Rathbun             Lolo Robinson CATA
                                                                    Rathbun Insurance       Luke Terry Rehmann
                                                                    Ben Bakken
        The 2018 strategic plan was visually depicted as a          Tri-Star Trust Bank     Mandy Schmitz LRCC
                                                                                            Marcus Martin
        triangle with regional leadership at the top, and policy    Bill Kimble C2AE        Lake Trust Credit Union
        influence, business value, and excellent operations         Bob Showers CAPCOG      Mark Burzych
        – encompassing people, fiscal sustainability, and           Breina Pugh BWL         Fahey Schultz
        technology – at the foundation.                             Bridget Drzal LRCC      Burzych & Rhodes
                                                                                            Matt Resch
                                                                    Casey Jacobsen          Resch Strategies
        Progress in those areas over the years compelled            LaFontaine
                                                                                            Melissa Nay
        the Chamber to consider how the strategic plan              Cathy Zell              Choose Lansing
        could be reimagined to better focus on that business        Lansing Community College  Michael Mumaugh
        value piece.                                                Cathleen Edergly
                                                                    Downtown Lansing Inc.   Michelle Massey TechSmith
                                                                                            Michelle Carlson
        Throughout 2024, the strategy facilitators Bales            Chad Munce WLNS TV 6    Michelle Reynaert
        and Johnson engaged with Chamber leadership,                Chris Nugent Comerica   Farm Bureau Insurance
        membership, and other stakeholders through member           Daniel Rials Stunio     Monica Schafer
        surveys, meetings with Chamber chairs from over the         David Finkbeiner        Ingham County
                                                                    Rathbun Insurance
        years, interviews with Chamber staff and community          Debbie Petersmark       Renee Cole
        leaders, and a community café brainstorming session.        WILX TV-10              Robyn Howell LAFCU
                                                                    Jacki Krumnow           Samantha Benson
        “Strategic planning is essential for shaping the future     Now Marketing           Old Town Commercial
        of any organization,” said Lisa O’Connor, 2025 LRCC         Janet Lillie            Association
                                                                    Michigan State University
        past chair and president of advertising and public          Jason Mellema           Samantha Le
        relations firm Publicom Inc.                                Ingham Intermidate      Martin Commercial
                                                                    School District         Sara Dolan MSUFCU
                            O’Connor said she was impressed         Jayme Taylor            Sarah Bakken LRCC
                            with the dedication of the 74           Martin Commercial       Simar Pawar
                            business leaders who participated       Jessica Fleet           Steve Japinga LRCC
                            in the three-hour community             Maner Costerisan        Steve Schmitt LAFCU
                            café session in March 2024.             Jim Ferrell             Steve Opper WIELAND
                            The session yielded many                Joe Dimambro            Susan Porrett
                            helpful recommendations for             Playmakers Fitness      Davenport University
                            strengthening the Chamber’s             Foundation              Susan Shilton
                                                                    Jonathan Lum
                            effectiveness.                          Exit Realtors           Junior Achievement of
        O'Connor                                                    Julie Thomasma          Ted O'Dell
                           “While this session was just one         Justin Sheehan          Tim Daman LRCC
                            part of a broader information-          Lansing Promise         Tom Arthur
        gathering process, the level of participation from our      Kari Rennie             Sycamore Creek Church
        members speaks volumes about their commitment to            Burcham Hills           Tom Ruis PNC Bank
        the Chamber’s future,” she said.                            Katherine Japinga       Troy Comiskey GM
                                                                    Capital Region
                                                                    International Airport   Vernon Woodley BWL
        The latest research suggests members define the             Kelsey Teribery LRCC    Vic Verchereau
        Chamber’s “business value” in various ways, from            Ken Martin Quality Dairy  LRCC Board Chair, 2010
        its involvement in public policy advocacy to its            Kevin Shaw WIELAND
        networking and educational offerings.

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