Page 12 - LRCC February 2025 Focus
P. 12

By Jennifer McEntee

       “A goal without a plan is                                I think those regional issues are continuing to grow and
                                                                expand beyond economic development, job growth,
        just a wish,” according to                              and infrastructure to issues around public safety,
                                                                housing, childcare, and homelessness. We have to
        a proverb by French writer                              continue as an organization to be comfortable figuring
                                                                out what our role is on these broader issues.”
        Antoine de Saint-Exupery.                               How We Got Here

        The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce (LRCC)                            Matt Resch, 2024 LRCC past
        had a wish – to refine its strategy as a transformational                  chair and president of public
        leader in the Greater Lansing business community –                         relations, public affairs, and digital
        but needed the input and insights of its stakeholders to                   marketing firm Resch Strategies,
        formulate a modern plan.                                                   was a part of the original strategic
                                                                                   plan design and this refresh.
        The resulting strategic plan, refreshed from a version
        first crafted in 2018, is now ready to put into action.                    “The Chamber and the leadership
        At its core are these tenets: deliver business value,                      of the Chamber took it upon
        influence policy that supports economic growth, foster                      itself and felt it very important to
        regional collaboration, and sustain LRCC through        Resch              make sure that we had a strategic
        innovation, outreach, and data-driven decisions.                           plan that was current, updated,
                                                                and reflected current challenges,” Resch said. “That’s
        “It helps us frame what our organization is and what our   the sign of a very healthy organization — one that
        role in the community is,” explained Tim Daman, LRCC’s   recognizes that and then takes the steps to make
        president and CEO. “We are leading and tackling some    sure that we have a strategic plan that is current and
        of the most important and critical regional issues.     reflective of what the organization faces.”

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