Page 38 - LRCC May 2022 Focus
P. 38
Sweet Encounter Bakery delivered Juneteenth (an annual holiday Place Neighborhood, Beverly Place
cupcakes before the event, and that commemorates the end of Apartments, Ingham County Land
bakery owner Nikki Thompson slavery in America) a national Bank, and Hunter Park — chose
Frazier led students through a celebration. Lee walked thousands Ivan to develop a sculpture that
lesson via Zoom on how to decorate of miles advocating for the day to reflects the growing community in
the cupcakes with cat faces inspired be recognized as a federal holiday. Lansing neighborhoods.
by the featured book. The bakery Floyd shared an up-close and
specializes in gluten- and peanut- personal interview about how his Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists
free desserts. life was impacted and catapulted (ORS) opened its 12th physical
onto a global scale after his therapy clinic located in the new
The Greater Lansing Sports brother, George Floyd, was killed by Red Cedar Development project
Authority was proud the region Minneapolis police officers in the just across Michigan Avenue near
played host to the 2022 USA Judo summer of 2020. George's death the Sparrow testing site in Lansing,
Youth National Championships brought the country to a racial Michigan. The 2,500-square-foot
on March 19 and March 20. Nearly reckoning about police brutality facility will be caring for patients
600 of the top young judo athletes and racial injustices against African with outpatient physical therapy,
in the world competed, bringing Americans. athletic injuries, and other
additional coaches, officials, and musculoskeletal conditions. The
spectators to fill hotels, restaurants, Peckham commemorated 45 other ORS clinics are located in West
shops, and more. The two-day years of its ongoing mission to Lansing/Grand Ledge, Okemos,
competition saw athletes vie for provide opportunities for greater Holt, four clinics in the Jackson
gold in 17 men's and women's self-sufficiency and independence area, Napoleon, Jonesville, and Ann
categories at the Lansing Center. for individuals with disabilities and Arbor. Physical therapy patient
other barriers to employment. The treatments began on May 16 at the
Child and Family Charities business community attended its ORS Red Cedar location, located at
officially launched its 2022 capital 45th Annual Meeting to celebrate 3108 E. Michigan Ave. Treatments will
campaign, “Be the Light,” to build a the organization’s achievements, be scheduled for Monday through
comprehensive, centralized campus community partners and workers Friday, with the clinic hours still to
on the former McLaren Greater of the year on May 4. Peckham’s be determined. The new facility
Lansing property. The campaign will journey began in 1976 with just director will be Paige Ellsworth
raise funds to transform a portion a few service contracts. Since (PT, DPT, ATC) and she and her
of the former hospital site on the then, Peckham has grown to 13 staff will be serving the community
city's southside into a continuum- locations, operates five successful with physical therapy outpatient
of-care hub to best meet the needs business lines across three states, treatments for all age groups, and
of today's modern families. The $7 and is home to an award-winning will also specialize in PT treatments
million project received a major workplace culture. Since opening, for the many athletes, cheerleaders,
boost from longtime corporate Peckham has served more than dancers and gymnasts.
partner Jackson National Life 125,000 individuals with disabilities
Insurance Company (Jackson®) and helped nearly 25,000 move into Impression 5 has been a leader in
and its associates, who donated community employment. providing children opportunities
$940,000 to underwrite the cost to make meaningful connections
of The Jackson House, a dedicated The City of Lansing and the to science through hands-on
home for youth who lack safe, Arts Council of Greater Lansing exploration. To kick off a year of
stable housing. announced the $75,000 Arts birthday festivities, Impression 5
Impact Project to Eastside hosted an event on April 20 to bring
The Peckham Community organizations, including Allen together local business leaders and
Partnership Foundation kicked off Neighborhood Center, Prospect celebrate the science center’s rich
its bi-annual series with a special Place Neighborhood, Beverly Place past, exciting present, and vibrant
learning event featuring two Apartments, Ingham County Land future. This event also initiated
speakers who focused on social Bank, and Hunter Park. This year's the Future 50 Campaign, a capital
impact, racial equity, and reform artist is Ivan Iler, who sculpted campaign with the goal of raising
topics. Opal Lee, a retired teacher, the first Arts Impact Project, $5 million. This campaign is a
counselor, and social impact leader, "Portrait of a Dreamer," located significant and strategic effort to
and activist Philonise Floyd, on Michigan Avenue at Museum prepare and sustain Impression 5
brother of George Floyd, spoke Drive. For this year's project, a large well into the next 50 years so it can
at the event on Friday, May 6. Lee community group — consisting continue to be a leading resource
shared her experience about the of representatives from Allen in STEM education for children,
journey to Congress on making Neighborhood Center, Prospect families, and schools. l