Page 37 - LRCC May 2022 Focus
P. 37                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        center, and Health and Wellness      to preparing Lansing students         their financial goals. Entrants must
        Pavilion. While finishing touches    for the future. The event took        live, work, worship, or attend school
        happened on the building itself,     place at Cumberland Elementary,       in Michigan but are not required to
        clinicians and staff started to train   Lansing. Financial literacy        be a member of LAFCU. Information
        at the new facility in January,      programs continued in classrooms      is at, where
        including tours, day in the life     throughout April.                     entries can be uploaded.
        training scenarios, and mock
        patient moves to get familiar with   Kasch Properties, Ltd. leased a
        the new space and processes for      well-located, well-maintained, and
        move day. McLaren Greater Lansing    well-appointed modern flex space
        hired Health Care Relocations,       in East Lansing to Certus Medical
        which specializes in the coordinated   this January, marking the entry of a
        planning and physical relocation     vital service to the Greater Lansing
        of hospitals and other healthcare    area. Headquartered in Indianapolis,
        facilities, for the move. On Sunday,   Indiana, Certus Medical distributes
        March 6, at 6 a.m., the emergency    orthopedic implants and other
        department opened at the new         surgical equipment. Its largest
        location while the Greenlawn         brand is DJO Surgical, a maker
        Avenue emergency department          of hip, knee, and shoulder
        closed. At 7 a.m., McLaren Greater   replacements. The lease capitalizes
        Lansing met with hospital and        on the property's versatility at      LAFCU offered free document
        moving staff to kick-off move        345 W. Lake Lansing Road. Martin      shredding to the public at the credit
        day. The first patients were then    Commercial Properties, a leading      union's Shred Day on Saturday,
        transferred to the new hospital,     privately-owned real estate services   April 23, to reduce identity theft.
        with all patients safely transferred   and development company,            A mobile shredding truck was
        in approximately six hours.          represented Kasch Properties in       at LAFCU's headquarters/West
        Some 112 patients were moved         the facility's lease. Martin's senior   Lansing Branch, 106 N. Marketplace
        in the process with the use of 14    associate and office advisor Thomas   Blvd., for on-site, secure destruction
        ambulances provided by Medstar       Jamieson facilitated the transaction.   of personal documents. The paper
        and three buses donated by Dean                                            was recycled. Each person was able
        Transportation.                                                            to drop off up to four bankers' boxes
                                                                                   of materials to be shredded.

                                             LAFCU is now accepting entries for
                                             an essay contest that will award up   For National Reading Month,
                                             to $7,500 in grants to those working   LAFCU took its March 16 Listen &
                                             to build a better financial life for   Learn Program into two elementary
                                             themselves. The LAFCU Pathway         school classrooms. The featured
                                             to Financial Transformation Essay     attraction was cupcakes. Partners
        Junior Achievement of Mid-           Contest provides up to $2,500 each    for LAFCU Listen & Learn Crazy for
        Michigan and Jackson National        to three entrants. The funds will be   Cupcakes were East Lansing Public
        Life Insurance Company teamed        applied to the winners' outstanding   Library, Red Cedar Elementary
        up to have Jackson® executives       debts. Winners will be selected       School, East Lansing, and Sweet
        teach third-grade Lansing School     based on their one-page essay         Encounter Bakery, Lansing. Via
        District students how to earn, save,   about how they are trying to create   Zoom, youth services librarian
        donate and spend money utilizing     a financial roadmap. Entrants are     Gillian Streeter read the book,
        Junior Achievement programming       asked what actions have influenced    "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake,"
        on March 21. The effort was part of   their financial decisions, their     written by Laura Numeroff and
        Jackson's sponsorship of Financial   progress during the past year, and    illustrated by Felicia Bond, to
        Literacy Month and its commitment    how the grant could help meet         third- and fourth-grade students.

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