Page 32 - LRCC May 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                          FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  MAY 2022

                                             congratulates Dr. Bailey on this      For the ninth year, Warner
                                             prestigious accomplishment.           Norcross + Judd LLP has been
                                                                                   recognized as a national leader
                                                               Origami             in client service among law firms.
                                                               Rehabilitation      The recent BTI Client Service
                                                               would like          A-Team survey, conducted by
                                                               to recognize        BTI Consulting Group, evaluates
                                                               occupational        individual law firm performance
                                                               therapist           through the eyes of the client. Law
                                                               Stephanie Moon      firms are judged on 17 activities,
                                                               for recently        including dealing with complexity,
                                                               publishing an       providing practical solutions,
                                                               article, "Sleep: A   fielding the absolute best team
                                                               How-to Guide," in   and delivering value. Corporate
                                             Brain Health Magazine. Stephanie's    counsel looks for firms that offer
                                             other recent accomplishments          the deepest understanding of their
                                             include being awarded a Going         business, anticipate clients' needs,
                                             Pro Grant and serving as a            and provide superior client service.
        A Sparrow Ionia Hospital             representative on Grand Valley State
        physician, who helped uncover        University's Occupational Therapy                      Fahey Schultz
        a severe bacterial infection in a    Research committee for a study                         Burzych
        patient, has been honored with       on Persistent Post-Concussion                          Rhodes, PLC
        the Sparrow Speak-Up! Award for      Symptoms/Syndrome.                                     is pleased to
        speaking up on behalf of patient                                                            announce that
        and caregiver safety. Adriss Faraj,                    Origami                              firm president
        M.D., a hospitalist at Sparrow                         Rehabilitation                       and attorney
        Ionia, was lauded for pushing for                      would also like                      Mark Burzych,
        answers and taking extraordinary                       to congratulate                      has been
        steps to assist a male patient in his                  occupational        Burzych          named to the
        50s admitted to the hospital for                       therapist                            2022 class of
        cellulitis, a serious bacterial skin                   Mackenzie           "Legal Eagles" by Franchise Times
        infection. The man complained of                       Patterson-Le        magazine, a national industry
        worsening pain, but testing wasn't                     on her recent       publication for franchisors and
        conclusive beyond the infection. Dr.   Patterson-Le    publication,        multi-unit franchisees. Mr. Burzych
        Faraj reached out to colleagues to                     "Avoiding           was recognized for his professional
        review the patient's scans, which    Caregiver Stress & Burnout," in       expertise in the representation
        revealed the bacterial infection     Brain Health Magazine. Mackenzie      of franchisors. Having worked
        called Fournier's Gangrene. The      was also recently selected as the     in the industry for decades,
        infection is a medical emergency     recipient of a Going Pro Grant.       he has represented scores of
        that's extremely aggressive and                                            franchisors ranging from startups
        can be fatal if untreated or missed.                   Jason R. Janus,     to top-ranked franchise brands
        The patient underwent surgery and                      president of        throughout the nation. This is the
        recovered.                                             Janus Insurance     fourth consecutive year Mark has
                                                               Agency, Inc. has    been recognized as a Legal Eagle.
        Lansing Community College's                            completed the
        Chief Diversity Officer Tonya Bailey                   requirements        LEAP, the Residential College
        has been appointed to the National                     to obtain the       for Arts and Humanities Center
        Association of Diversity Officers                      Registered          for Poetry at MSU, and the
        in Higher Education (NADOHE).                          Cyber Liability     Lansing Poetry Club are proud
        NADOHE serves as the preeminent      Janus             Specialist®         to announce the appointment of
        voice for diversity officers in higher                 (RCLS)              Masaki Takahashi as the third
        education, with the vision of        professional certification. The       regional Lansing Poet Laureate.
        leading higher education toward      NRCLS® designation is awarded         As Poet Laureate, Masaki will
        inclusive excellence through         by The National Registry of Cyber     engage the tri-county region in the
        institutional transformation.        Liability Specialists® to qualified   literary arts. His work will include
        NADOHE board positions are           individuals who have completed        promoting poetry as an art form,
        elected and serve for two years.     the educational requirements and      expanding access to the literary
        Lansing Community College            agree to the RCLS Code of Ethics.     arts, connecting the community to

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