Page 29 - LRCC May 2022 Focus
NEW HIRES policy-related organizations. Under most recently
Fowler's leadership, SBAM has spent her time
grown to 30,000 members across freelancing—
all 83 counties. Singh has been balancing copy
PPA's CEO since 2019 and is a editing and
candidate for the Michigan Senate. writing, content
He will transition to a role as senior creation, and
consultant at PPA when Fowler social media
becomes CEO. If elected, Singh will management—
take office in January 2023. Givhan but is excited
to now work in
The Lansing economic development.
Economic Area
Four highly skilled and experienced Partnership Meanwhile,
orthopedic and sports medicine (LEAP) has Kambriana
surgeons have joined the Sparrow recently Gates has
Medical Group Orthopedics and brought Mitch joined LEAP as
Sports Medicine team. Douglas Timmerman on an economic
Dietzel, D.O., is a fellowship- as an economic development
trained and board-certified sports development specialist in
medicine orthopedic surgeon specialist. the Business
who has worked extensively with Timmerman Before coming Development
elite athletes at the professional to LEAP, Mitch worked at Auto- Gates Department.
and collegiate levels. Andrew Owners Insurance in the Audit and She enjoys
Schorfhaar, D.O., is a fellowship- Inspection Services Department working with communities with
trained and board-certified sports and as a commercial lines data gathering and determining
medicine orthopedic surgeon underwriter for the West Michigan potential development uses for
with over 21 years of experience branch. Mitch has always dreamt of vacant parcels. Kambriana earned
working with elite athletes and working in economic development a B.S. from Grand Valley State
the community. Michael Shingles, since graduating college at University in global studies & social
D.O., is a board-certified orthopedic Michigan State University (MSU) impact with a minor in African/
surgeon and is fellowship-trained and is very excited to get to work African-American studies and an
in sports medicine, arthroscopic, with the amazing staff at LEAP. M.A. in urban planning from MSU.
and reconstructive surgery. Finally,
C. Luke Wilcox, D.O., is a sports LEAP is pleased The Michigan
medicine fellowship-trained to announce Certified
and board-certified orthopedic its hiring of Development
surgeon with over 10 years locally Jessica Vilca Corporation
of extensive sports medicine as the industry (MCDC) is
experience. marketing pleased to
specialist. Her announce the
Public Policy role works in addition of Coty
Associates, close partnership Gould as loan
Inc. (PPA) with LEAP's Gould officer. Coty will
announced that Vilca business cover central
Rob Fowler, attraction team. Michigan while working out of the
former CEO She will be joining the marketing Midland office. His responsibilities
of the Small & communications team, bringing include marketing the SBA 504
Business extensive marketing experience Loan Program while working with
Association of working in various industries lenders, small business owners,
Michigan(SBAM), ranging from a financial institution and other referral sources to secure
will become the to e-commerce. SBA 504 financing. He will work
next CEO of the company. He will with MCDC underwriters to review
succeed current CEO Sam Singh, LEAP has also recently brought eligibility to obtain financing.
effective July 1. Mr. Fowler has more Juliette Givhan onto the
than 35 years of experience in the team in the role of equity and Meet Amina Shamatanga, 517
public policy arena as an association entrepreneurial communications Living's new intern from Zambia!
leader and board member of and program specialist. Juliette Amina moved to East Lansing with