Page 30 - LRCC May 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                          FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  MAY 2022

                          her three-year-                                          Mason High School; and Sulia Yang
                          old daughter in                                          – Mason High School.
                          December and
                          is truly living                                                           Colin Koot, a
                          each day to                                                               Mason High
                          the fullest as a                                                          School student,
                          full-time MSU                                                             has been named
                          student, part-                                                            a Michigan High
                          time campus                                                               School Athletic
                          employee,                                                                 Association
                          mother, and                                                               (MHSAA)
        now community advocate for 517       was held at Mason High School                          Farm Bureau
        Living. She is currently assisting   and included guest speakers,          Coot             Insurance
        with developing a Greater            Joshua Langford, former MSU                            Scholar-
        Lansing directory of locally owned   basketball player, and Dr. Karlin     Athlete. Colin is a member of the
        businesses, which can be found at    Tichenor, diversity consultant for    boys' varsity basketball, baseball,                    Mason Public Schools. Additionally,   and tennis teams. Additionally,
                                             winners of the district multimedia    he participates in Youth in
        AWARDS                               contest "What Diversity Means         Government, National Honor
                                             to Me," were Delaney Hamers –         Society, and FFA. Colin is the
        The Diversity Committee of Mason     Alaiedon Elementary; Mason Ellis      second student in Mason Public
        Public Schools successfully hosted   – Steele Elementary; Ms. Haudek's     Schools' history to receive this
        the Mason Moves Forward event on     classroom – Alaiedon Elementary;      award. According to the MHSAA,
        Saturday, March 12, to engage with   Gailee Maynard – Mason Middle         to be considered for this award,
        the Mason community. Events like     School; Elizabeth Leibrand – Mason    students must be carrying at least
        this provide a safe space to have    High School; Lily Ware – Mason        a 3.5 grade-point average and have
        important conversations. The event   High School; Kelsea Barcelow –        previously won a letter in a varsity


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