Page 31 - LRCC May 2022 Focus
P. 31                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        sport for their districts. Candidates   satisfaction. The hospitals received   diesel repair, welding, and digital
        must also be actively involved in    the honors from Professional          media programs.
        school and community activities      Research Consultants, Inc. The PRC
        and produce an essay on the          Excellence in Healthcare Awards       Needham Solutions, LLC has been
        importance of sportsmanship in       are nationally recognized honors      awarded the 2021 Global Excellence
        educational athletics.               presented to organizations and        Award by LUXlife.  Needham
                                             individuals who have achieved         Solutions was honored as the Most
        Edge Partnerships, a marketing       excellence in patient satisfaction    Innovative Marketing Agency-USA.
        communications agency, recently      scores in the previous year.          Needham Solutions, LLC is a full-
        won gold and bronze at the           Overall, Sparrow Health System        service marketing, design, and
        American Advertising (ADDY)          received five awards. For the fourth   promotions company that aids solo,
        Awards - Lansing. The recognized     consecutive year, Mary Free Bed at    micro, and small businesses with all
        projects include the Barry Eaton     Sparrow received special distinction   their marketing and creative needs,
        District Health Department Anti-     as the Top Performer in "Overall      along with promotional products
        Vaping campaign (Gold), Future       Quality of Care" for inpatient        and printing services.
        Proud Michigan Education Launch      rehabilitation units. Five-star awards
        logo (Bronze), and County Roads      were awarded to Sparrow Specialty
        Association Michigan Highway         Hospital for "Overall Quality of Care"
        Conference Program (Bronze).         and Sparrow Clinton Hospital's
                                             Outpatient Surgery Services for
                                             "Overall Hospital Rating." Four-star
                                             awards were awarded to Sparrow
                                             Carson Hospital's Emergency
                                             Department for "Overall Quality of    LAFCU has been recognized by
                                             Care" and Sparrow Carson Inpatient    Credit Union National Association,
                                             Services for "Overall Hospital        a national credit union trade
                                             Rating."                              association, for three programs
                                                                                   that won five awards — including
                                             Sparrow Carson, Eaton, and Ionia      Best of Show, Best of Category,
                                             hospitals have been recognized        and an Excellence Award — in the
                                             by a national organization for        association's annual marketing
        Michael Markey, M.D., a Sparrow      outstanding performance and           competition. The LAFCU programs
        Hospital physician and chief         quality, reflecting their leading-    and awards earned are Act with
        medical examiner for five counties   edge medicine and highly skilled      Love & Equality Art Initiative,
        in Michigan, is one of 17 individuals,   physicians and caregivers. Sparrow   Diamond Best of Show, the
        four partner organizations, and      Carson received the 2021 Quality      contest's highest honor, Best of
        one hospital to receive a 2022       Top Quartile Award from The           Category and Diamond Award;
        Donation Champion Award from         Chartis Center of Rural Health and    Internal communications campaign
        Gift of Life Michigan, recognizing   the National Organization of State    for the credit union's DEI program.,
        his extraordinary efforts to help    Offices of Rural Health. Sparrow      Excellence in Marketing & Business
        fulfill the wishes of donor families.   Eaton and Ionia received the 2021   Development Award; and Listen &
        Dr. Markey, who leads the Forensic   Outcomes Top Quartile Award.          Learn Program, Diamond Award.
        Pathology Department at Sparrow,
        serves as the chief medical          Eleven students from the Eaton        DISTINCTIONS
        examiner for Eaton, Ingham, Ionia,   RESA Career Preparation Center
        Isabella, and Shiawassee counties.   competed in the regional SkillsUSA    Sparrow caregivers are healthcare
        He was nominated for the award for   competition and earned the honor      heroes and now their work during
        implementing best practices that     of advancing to the state event.      the pandemic has been recognized
        ensure Gift of Life staff is notified   SkillsUSA is a national career and   on the floor of the U.S. Congress.
        as soon as possible to ensure        technical student organization        Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin,
        donations can occur.                 (CTSO) that provides opportunities    who represents the Lansing area,
                                             for students who are preparing        recently submitted remarks into
        Sparrow, its Carson City and Clinton   for careers in trade, technical     the Congressional Record to
        community hospitals, and Sparrow     and skilled occupations. Eaton        acknowledge the heroic work of
        Specialty Hospital have also been    RESA Career Preparation Center        Sparrow caregivers, along with the
        honored with numerous awards         was represented at the regional       Department of Defense medical
        from a national organization         competitions by students from         team that spent a month at
        that tracks top scores for patient   automotive technology, heavy          Sparrow Hospital.

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