Page 34 - LRCC May 2022 Focus
P. 34
Sparrow Clinton Hospital Board Suma Cum
of Directors are Mark Weismiller, Laude. President
M.D., Sparrow Medical Group Carter is leaving
general surgeon and Sparrow a lasting
Clinton Hospital Medical chief legacy upon
of staff; Matthew Wilcox, D.O., the institution
cardiology specialist, Sparrow TCI. and students.
New members of the Sparrow Throughout his
Eaton Hospital Board are: Maria presidency, he
Davis, Ph.D., provost, professor Kolt Magyar Carter has led in the
of biology, Olivet College; Joseph accreditation
Garcia, deputy general counsel, of the school with the Higher
state of Michigan Department of Learning Commission and has
Insurance and Financial Services; brought the college to a very
Colette Scrimger, MSW, health stable position financially and
officer, Barry-Eaton District Health academically. The students see him
Department. At Sparrow Ionia as a mentor and guide. His open-
Hospital, new members include: door policy has been a tool to assist
Virgil Biggs, CPA, owner, Biggs, students through their goals, joys,
Dickinson & Roberts Wealth disappointments, and problems. He
Management Services, LLC; John Kimble Schneidewind has counseled students and staff
Milewski, II, director of technology, in reaching their potential toward
Ionia County Intermediate School Magyar is the fulfilling the mission of GLCC, which
District, and Brett Reich, D.O., director of is to train students to be servant-
Emergency Medicine medical corporate giving leaders in the church and world.
director at Sparrow Eaton and with General
Sparrow Ionia and Sparrow Ionia Motors. William Kobe Rochester,
Hospital medical chief of staff. J. Kimble, an a second-year
Sparrow Specialty Hospital's Independent student in the
board has added: Rebecca from DeWitt, is criminal justice
Behar-Cook, CEO, Capitol the president program at the
Fundraising Associates; Tucker and group Wilson Talent
Dion'trae Hayes, township leader of C2AE, an architecture Center (WTC),
supervisor and chief administrative and engineering firm. Eric noticed the
officer, Lansing Township, and Schneidewind, an Independent police officers
Martha Jakubiak, RN, retired from Lansing, previously served Rochester at Sexton High
neurosurgical registered nurse. as an attorney at Varnum LLP and School during
served as the former volunteer his sophomore year. He was curious
Governor Gretchen Whitmer national and Michigan president about their job and role at his
recently announced the of AARP. Jo-Ellyn H. Tucker, a school and in his community. This
appointments of mid-Michigan Democrat in East Lansing, currently was also the year COVID-19 struck,
leaders to the Michigan serves on the board. and he was unable to attend a visit
Community Service Commission to the WTC to learn more about the
(MCSC), the State of Michigan's lead PEOPLE NEWS criminal justice program. However,
agency promoting volunteerism he decided to take a chance and
and community service. Appointees Larry Carter, president of Great enroll anyway, and he is so glad
include Robert T. Kolt, a Democrat Lakes Christian College (GLCC), that he did. He's in the process of
from Haslett, who was reappointed announced his retirement to begin being promoted to sergeant with
to a fourth three-year term and on June 1. President Carter will the Lansing Police Department's
serves as chair of the MCSC. Kolt complete 23 years as president, Explorer Post 911, a program for
is president and CEO of Kolt having served as an instructor of students ages 14 to 21. He has
Communications, an Okemos Christian ministries for two years applied to advance as a cadet with
public relations and advertising before his appointment. Larry the East Lansing Police Department
firm and serves as a professor received a B.S. in biblical studies and will begin taking classes in
in public relations at MSU. Heidi from Cincinnati Bible College. He the fall at Lansing Community
E. Magyar, a Republican from then received a master’s degree College before entering the police
Laingsburg, was reappointed to in Christian ministries from academy. In addition, Rochester
the MCSC and serves as vice chair. Huntington College, graduating recently participated in SkillsUSA.