Page 23 - LRCC November 2022 Focus
P. 23                                                                        CHAMBER NEWS

        Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Announces

        Promotions of Key Executives

              he Lansing Regional Chamber                                          our role as leaders in the region,
              of Commerce (LRCC) has                                               it became clear we needed to
        Tannounced the promotion of                                                reorganize our daily operations in
        several key executives as a result                                         a way that allows our team to best
        of a new organizational structure                                          meet those changing needs and
        to better serve the needs of LRCC                                          responsibilities,” said Tim Daman,
        membership and the region.                                                 president & CEO, LRCC. “I believe
        Executive promotions include:                                              this reorganization best positions
                                                                                   all of these outstanding leaders for
        Michelle Rahl has been named         Rahl               Rzepka             even more success in the future.”
        vice president of membership and
        marketing. In her expanded role,                                           In her years at LRCC, Rahl has
        Rahl will lead the Chamber’s sales                                         led the Chamber’s membership,
        and marketing teams;                                                       marketing, and event departments.
                                                                                   In recognition of how closely linked
        Marcy Rzepka and Daniel Rials                                              the goals and initiatives of the sales
        have been promoted to senior                                               and marketing teams are, the LRCC
        member relations managers,                                                 reorganization will give her joint
        where they will provide strategic                                          oversight responsibilities in both
        sales solutions in new business                                            areas.
        development, business retention,     Rials              Schmitz
        and non-dues revenue; and                                                 “So much of what we do in
                                                                membership involves listening, learning, and
        Mandy Schmitz has been named director of                promoting the efforts of our members and the business
        administrative operations, where she will lead and      community,” said Rahl. “For more than ten years, I have
        provide support to the Chamber’s administrative,        been passionate about our mission and am privileged
        finance, technology, and operational needs.             to work alongside a team of outstanding professionals
                                                                who share that passion and desire to help our members
        “As we evaluated our organization’s ability to meet     connect, grow, and thrive.” l
        the evolving needs of our members and execute

                              A healthier take on health care coverage

                      You want your employees to get the care they need — and so do we. At Blue Cross, we work hard to
                       provide the best coverage in Michigan. With more plan options, more efficient, higher quality care,
                         and access to no-cost programs such as Coordinated Care Core, a Blue Cross plan adds up to
                 smarter care and better coverage for you and your employees, so you can attract the best talent, and keep it too.
                      Visit to see what a Blue Cross plan can do for your business.

                       Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network are nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

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