Page 26 - LRCC November 2022 Focus
P. 26

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                   FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  NOVEMBER 2022

        NEW HIRES                            the commercial banking program        which she now provides to Ngage
                                             and team to expand the bank’s         clients. Norcross enjoys being
        LEPFA added the following new        commercial market share within        strategic and innovative while
        full-time staff members: Rebekah     West and Central Michigan.            collaborating with team members
        Yeary, event coordinator; Jacob                                            to produce a successful, positive
        Quertermous, event coordinator;                                            experience for clients. With more
        Justice Shankel, event coordinator;                                        than 12 years of experience in
        Stephanie Melancon, account                                                operations, communications, and
        analyst administrator; Kasey                                               marketing, Norcross has a record
        McFadden, administration                                                   of accomplishment in retaining
        assistant; Allison Rupp, accounting                                        and acquiring new members
        manager; Jocelyn Murchison,                                                through creative communications
        accounting/box office coordinator,                                         strategies.
        and Daniel Matwiczyk, golf
        operations manager.                  Moore             Norcross
                                             Ngage Management is pleased to
                          Union Bank         welcome Kimberly Moore, CMP,
                          is pleased to      CTA, GMS, who has joined as an
                          announce the       event manager, and Danielle
                          addition of Todd   Norcross, who has joined Ngage
                          Uekert, senior     Management as marketing and
                          vice president,    communications associate director.
                          market             Moore is driven to make each event
                          president.         outstanding while identifying         Sandborn         Jenkins
                          Uekert will focus   ways to make them even better.
                          on building        She implements best practices         Ashley Sandborn has joined
                          and leading        she has perfected over the years,     Publicom as vice president

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