Page 28 - LRCC November 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                   FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  NOVEMBER 2022

        University, DTN Management, and                                            in Wellness, and ranked sixth on
        Zander Management, Zander has                                              the list of American Banker’s Best
        obtained knowledge and skills                                              Credit Unions to Work For. Since
        that will add value to the Gillespie                                       2019, the credit union’s diversity
        Group residential and commercial                                           and inclusion council, Uncovering
        properties while also providing key                                        New Ideas and Together Educating,
        input for facilities operations within                                     has sought to build and uplift
        new developments.                                                          a more diverse and inclusive
                                                                                   workforce to better understand
                          The Mental                                               and serve each other and its
                          Health             ProRoma is pleased to announce        membership. The 2022 Best and
                          Association        that they have been awarded a         Brightest in Wellness award honors
                          in Michigan        Marketing and Creative Excellence     companies that promote employee
                          (MHAM) has         award via the Experience Marketing    well-being, worksite health, and
                          welcomed           Association for the “Most Holistic    wellness. Consumers Credit Union
                          graphics intern    Scent Experience” based on their      was the highest-ranking Michigan-
                          Olivia Gallt to    work with Michigan-based bridal       based credit union on American
                          the team. She      boutique Renee Austin Bridal.         Banker’s list of Best Credit Unions
                          brings fresh       ProRoma provided Renee Austin         to Work For 2022.
                          ideas to current   Bridal with spatial scenting in their
        projects, handles all graphics       signature branded scent Fleur and     DISTINCTIONS
        and promotional materials, and       branded candles in their signature
        generates new life to monthly        scent that they provide as gifts to
        e-news and printed newsletters.      brides who purchase their dress at
        She is currently a student at        the boutique.
        Lansing Community College
        and will receive her associate’s
        degree in Applied Art/Graphics
        Communications this December.
                                                                                   Highly skilled Sparrow Carson
        LAFCU has awarded three grants                                             Hospital physician Michelle
        that total $7,500 in debt relief in                                        Becher, D.O., recently achieved
        The LAFCU Pathway to Financial                                             an extraordinary milestone:
        Transformation Essay Contest. The                                          performing her 1,500th daVinci
        contest was designed to not just                                           robotic surgery at Sparrow Carson.
        help the winners, but to help all                                          Dr. Becher is one of a handful of
        who entered. Via a one-page essay,                                         surgeons in Michigan to reach the
        entrants focused on their financial   The International Bluegrass Music    milestone and positively impact an
        situation, assessed it and their     Association’s annual Momentum         astounding number of lives. The
        accomplishments over the past 12     Awards luncheon always serves as      daVinci Surgical System is state-of-
        months, and identified how they      a powerful reminder that the future   the-art technology, often referred
        will continue to work to achieve     of bluegrass is in good hands.        to as a robot, that allows surgeons
        their financial goals. The essays of   Lillian Werbin, president and       to perform complex procedures
        Candace Collier, Kalamazoo; Alexis   co-owner of Elderly Instruments,      through just a few tiny incisions.
        Hodges, Lansing; and Lisa Neino,     was recognized with the Industry
        Jackson, stood out. The three $2,500   Involvement Award. Werbin is on     Lansing Community College
        grants were awarded so the winners   the board of directors of IBMA        has been named a “veteran-
        could pay down outstanding debt.     Foundation and Bluegrass Pride        friendly school” by the Michigan
                                             and serves on IBMA’s Arnold Shultz    Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA)
        The Capital Area Manufacturing       Advisory Committee.                   for the 2022-23 school year. The
        Council is pleased to announce                                             MVAA program recognizes higher
        their 2022 award winners:            Consumers Credit Union                education institutions in Michigan
        Manufacturer of the Year – IMPCO;    recently received three employer      that are committed to supporting
        HR Professional of the Year - Scout   recognitions, including the          the needs of students with military
        Sparks; Manufacturing Excellence -   esteemed Corp! Magazine Salute to     connections. This designation
        Tribute to the Life of Al Glick.     Diversity award, Best and Brightest   marks the seventh consecutive year

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