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P. 257
® “Home-Study Course” Study Manual Page 257
Running Your Trading As A Real Business
Trading is a real business, run it that way! Just like a restauranteur has
accounting to do, food that spoils, overhead to pay, and needs sufficient
capital. You as a trader face similar business challenges. Food that
spoils is like being stopped out of trades, money gone. Overhead to pay
is like having to buy computers, internet access, trading software,
educational courses like this one, quotes services, maybe an office,
capital requirements, etc.
Also, when you approach your trading as a business your psychology
will change to that of a professional. Meaning, that it is easier to be a
successful trader if you approach trading as a business rather than a
hobby. To start, you may consider your trading a “Part-Time”
business. You will feel better about yourself and will do the things you
need to be doing to improve your business and your trading
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