Page 18 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 18

Dr. Nachiket talked about the status of financial   crucial. The “Payments Highway” and “Information
                services and health care financing in India and the   Highway” facilitate easy lending.  The highways
                way ahead to achieve universalisation of financial   referred to certain storage systems where certain
                services as well as achieving health care objectives.  data are stored as indicators, on the basis of which
                                                                 an individual’s credit worthiness can be decided
                He opined that India has the world’s best        rather than depending only on CIBIL. In Brazil,
                minds along with an updated financial services   for example, a company named  ‘Signify’ takes
                infrastructure including technology, probably the   mobile phone records and converts into credit
                best in the world.                               scores.  Innovative  approaches  exist  such as  the

                The idea of Business Correspondents, based       US based company ‘Fund Box’ which funds small
                on  Brazil’s  model,  is  fruitful  to  achieve  financial   businesses for cash flow deficit for a specific time
                inclusion. Currently the RBI (Reserve Bank of India),   period. Assessing the credit worthiness of a person
                besides merging large banks, RRBs (Regional Rural   through the electronic accounting system, the
                Banks) and Cooperative Banks, is pursuing a de-  funding company is able to give short term loans
                structured financial system, introducing different   very quickly.
                sets of services to the customers. A person      Obviously, all transactions will not or cannot
                from the community/grassroots as the Banking     be online and so banking systems are required.
                Correspondent, besides  mobile phone  operators   Presently   many     Non-banking     Financial
                and post offices with banking licenses, increase   Corporations (NBFCs) and microfinance institutions
                the outreach of the banking services.
                                                                 have been given licenses to be bankers.
                The vision is to take the current coverage to above
                1 lakh bank branches and find a way in which 50
                lakh mobile recharge points could extend banking
                services deep into the heartland of the country.
                A low cost approach to banking services is being
                tried out so that banking services charges are not
                high. Simultaneously, State automation is crucial
                for effective low cost banking services.

                Dr. Mor discussed that the access to credit at a
                reasonable price and in a reasonable  way was
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