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Listening Window Odisha Knowledge Hub Lecture Series 19
Dr. Mor highlighted some critical issues in the steps towards empowering the famers are yet to
banking sector. The urban and rural cooperative be taken up adequately. Technology is available
banks play an important role but they are but not understood and accessed and accepted as
constrained by their inability to raise capital yet by farmers.
which in turn limits their growth. Priority sector Dr. Mor next addressed the gathering on the health
obligations by the banks are based on priority sector in India. India manufactures medicines
being given to a particular sector. However, today that are needed throughout the world at a very
the ground reality is that along with sectors, regions low cost. For example Rs.1 expenditure in India is
are also important and priority should be given to equivalent to buying health services worth $1. He
them. Credit Deposit Ratio is an indicator of credit then gave examples of interventions in different
worthiness but it is neither a global standard nor countries on health care service. In Alaska, for
example, there are no dentists, but the services are
a good standard suitable for India, where financial still of high quality. In Kenya there is an option for
penetration is low. The Global standard is to find Air Ambulance for Tourists. For sparsely populated
out the credit to GDP ratio. Agriculture is another areas like some areas of Himachal, this possibility is
sector where banking services can be effective but being tried out.