Page 20 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 20

In India, budget for health care is 1.2% of the GDP.   for instance, a State Health Purchasing Authority
                In Thailand 6% to 7% of GDP is contributed to    which buys from schemes of government such as
                health. Tax to GDP ratio is very low in India.   Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) and builds
                                                                 electronic health records.
                He suggested that other resources could be added
                to the tax base for more resource allocation.    As far as human resources in the health system
                Countries like  Turkey,  Thailand and Philippines   are concerned, he opined that specialization is
                have devised unique solutions for their own health   not the way. The idea is to build the capacity of
                sector financing. Only by  ‘mixed finances’ can   different level functionaries. Thailand has built the
                financing of health care be augmented.  However,   system of  ‘Technical Nurse’, which is similar to ANM
                health care service delivery is equally vital as   (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife) of India, but has more
                only then would people move away from using      scope and career development opportunities.
                their personal savings for health and do growth   He suggested that at the secondary health level,
                enhancing investments. So over dependence on     MBBS doctors could become specialists through
                only taxes will not help.
                                                                 on job experience and certification. More than
                He suggested that ground level operation         classroom training, practical exposure is necessary
                systems, which should have the autonomy to       for nurses and midwives. Rather than using data to
                figure out how to use money and run the health   monitor, it could be used to help front line workers.
                system according to ground realities, is the need   Technology usage to remove drudgery in filling
                of the hour. For example,  Thailand created the   registers has to be explored and implemented. Self
                National Health Security Organization which takes   Help Groups (SHGs) are a very useful platform for
                tax money as well money from the non poor, and   health messages.
                pays the public sector from that pool on the basis
                of outcomes. This is the dominant model and the   On public health, treatment and management, full
                line item budgeting model has been abandoned     vaccination, vector control, eradication of diseases
                by Russia and China. Only Cuba today successfully   such as filaria and spacing between births are the
                runs the line item health budget system. Another   subjects  and  area  which  require  strong  policy
                alternative is to set up an Authority in the state;   and practice.
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