P. 22

7, Stratigi Str.,
                                                       154 51 Neo Psychico, Greece
                                                          Tel.: (+30) 216 2000 500
                                                          Fax: (+30) 216 2000 555

        Manufacturer of High-Quality Sensor Systems

        European  Sensor  Systems  (ESS)  is  a  global   additional modifications.
        developer and manufacturer of high quality
        sensors based on micro-electronics technol-  ESS  products  (pressure  sensors,  flow  sen-
        ogies. Our MEMS based sensors and sensor   sors,  accelerometers,  signal  conditioning
        systems,  which  are  produced  via  qualified   ASICs ), are employed in sophisticated con-
        industrial processes, measure pressure, flu-  trol  and  monitoring  applications  in  the  in-
        id properties and acceleration.   dustrial,  maritime,  medical,  aerospace  and
                                          consumer  good  markets  either  as  stand-
        Our vision is to deliver high quality products   alone components or being integrated with-
        customized to meet the demanding require-  in equipment’s.
        ments and conditions of our clients.
                                          These products are:
        Combining  our  multiple  discipline  capabili-
        ties, we can deliver technologically advanced   Pressure Sensors:  ESS  has  developed  an
        sensor solutions in a fast and efficient way   innovative process, which enables the fabri-
        starting from the concept to prototyping and   cation of MEMS capacitive pressure sensors,
        full production.                  both  absolute  and  differential,  which  have
                                          superior performance compared to piezore-
        Our  flexibility  along  with  the  dedication  to   sistive  implementations.  ESS  is  the  owner
        the client ensures a high end custom made   and  exclusive  user  of  this  process.  Based
        product within a limited timeframe ready to   on this process, ESS has fabricated a family
        be  installed  to  the  application  without  any   of capacitive pressure sensors with ranges

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