P. 18
24, Dervenakion Str.,
185 45 Piraeus, Greece
Tel.: (+30) 210 40 60000
Fax: (+30) 210 46 17423
Marine and Industrial Pollution Control and Marine Equipment
EΡΕ (Environmental Protection Engineering Vision
S.A.) was founded in 1977 for the provision
of services and products in three vital areas: EPE’s vision is to provide efficient, state-of-
Environmental Protection, Legislation Com- the-art products and services that set bench-
pliance and Engineering Solutions. marks for quality and innovation, meeting
customer’s expectations for outstanding
In 1982 EPE started its manufacturing activ- service & support and maintaining its top
ity, producing environmentally engineered position amongst the most t prominent sup-
products for water and waste treatment. pliers of the shipping industry worldwide.
With continuous investment in research and
scientific analysis EPE constantly develops Products
innovative machinery, offering pioneer solu-
tions to the maritime sector and integrated EPE designs, manufactures and trades envi-
services for the protection and clean up of ronmentally friendly waste water collection
the industrial and marine environment in- & treatment systems for shipbuilding indus-
cluding oil spill response, antipollution, re- tries globally.
habilitation and distressed cargo services.
EPE develops bilge oil water separators, the PO-
EPE has established a training center for SEIDON series, with key benefits the fully auto-
environmental protection and antipollution matic unattended operation, minimum main-
preparedness courses in its integrated facil- tenance, small footprint, easy installation and
ities. reliable operation.
18 | HEMEXPO Catalogue 2019