P. 16

11, Andrea Metaxa Str.,
                                                            145 64 Kifisia, Greece
                                                                               Tel.: (+30) 210 3460222
                                                           Fax: (+30) 210 3460562

        Electrical Supply and Power Quality Systems Manufacturer

        EMMIS S.A. manufactures and provides pre-  To  us,  each  project  is  unique  with  its  own
        mium  end-to-end  electrical  supply,  control   individual  needs  and  particularities.  There-
        and  power  quality  systems  and  solutions   fore, we approach each project individually
        especially for the marine industry. Our sys-  and provide a full range of customized high
        tems apply to lighting, garage (car deck), gal-  value-added  services  to  ensure  optimized
        ley & accommodation and switchboards of   outcomes.
        any type of ship and consist of the following   Services
        •Transformers  for  basic  and  emergency   •Measurements
        lighting                          •Engineering
        •Τransformers for freeze chambers supply  •Installation
        •Supply and isolation transformers  •Commissioning
        •Current transformers             •Maintenance
        •Heavy consumers start auto-transformers  •Technical support
        •Active harmonic filters          Starting from high accuracy measurements,
        •Energy analyzers                 we collect and record necessary data relat-
        •Energy meters                    ing to harmonics and other magnitudes of
        •Multi-meters                     the electrical installation. Based on the mea-
        •Temperature control units        surements figures, we produce a complete
        •Insulation monitoring devices    engineering  study  covering  both  local  and
        •I/O alarm units                  international standards (IEC, IEEE, ABS etc),
        •Voltage stabilizers              including energy saving possibilities and the
                                          proposed equipment. We then proceed with

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