P. 12

56, Gravias Str.,
                                                           185 45 Piraeus, Greece
                                                           Tel.: (+30) 210 4060600
                                                           Fax: (+30) 210 4615211

        Leading Rope and Wire Manufacturers

        D. Koronakis S.A. is the leading company in   famous  products  of  our  Industry  are  the
        the manufacturing of ropes and wire ropes   Kapa  Mooring  Ropes,  Nylon,  Flex,  Float,
        in  Europe  and  one  of  the  largest  compa-  Strong,  constructions  approved  by  OCIMF,
        nies worldwide which produces fiber ropes   Oil Majors Companies and all known Inter-
        of  raw  material  polyester,  polypropylene,   national Certified bodies.
        polysteel, nylon or of composite materials.
                                          We  are  also  manufacturers  of  steel  wire
        Our  product  range  includes  ropes,  wire   ropes in various construction such as 6x36,
        ropes,  mooring  ropes,  combination  ropes,   6x25, 6x37, 4x39, 4x36, 19x7, 36x7, and fur-
        nets,  yachting  ropes  and  others  which  are   thermore we are representatives and stock-
        produced  in  Greece  and  have  been  recog-  ists of the special non rotating wire ropes.
        nized  worldwide  for  their  top  quality  and
        technical  performance.  In  addition  to  the   Our manufacturing quality was quickly rec-
        products  developed  locally,  the  compa-  ognized  as  we  were  acknowledged  early
        ny  keeps  a  large  stock  of  anchors,  anchor   from Lloyd’s R.O.S. as wire rope manufactur-
        chains, rigging gear, fiber slings and various   ers with our production facilities operating
        other accessories that meet the needs of our   under  the  rules  and  regulations  of  Lloyd’s
        clients.                          Register.
        D.  Koronakis  has  developed  a  new  way  of   In order to enhance our quality control pro-
        producing  UHMPE  (dyneema)  ropes,  the   cesses, we have installed an electronic test-
        Kapa  Neema  and  KapaNeema  Plus.  Other   ing bench of 500T capacity and 40m length

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