P. 10
7, Vasiladiou Str., Kaminia,
18540 Piraeus, Greece
Tel.: (+30) 210 451 7064, (+30) 210 451 6084
Fax: (+30) 210 452 1834
Marine Manufacturing Shipping Supplies
We are a Greek manufacturing company to offer a variety of the highest quality prod-
operating for more than 20 years in the ucts and related services at very competitive
production and trade of goods and services prices.
mainly focused on the Maritime Industry.
As active members in the marine sector we
As part of the expertise we have gained are fully aware of the needs of the shipping
during our long presence in the maritime companies and therefore we deal compe-
sector and the mutual trust we reached with tently on a daily basis with various questions
our customers and partners, we have estab- regarding prevention of adverse implica-
lished important partnerships both at na- tions and other protection related issues
tional and at international level with major that could happen in such a demanding,
shipping and logistics companies. challenging and unpredictable environment.
By applying the highest standards, we We understand that transferring person-
gained the top level of expertise in design- nel or passengers and valuable cargo of all
ing and manufacturing high quality products types is a matter of great importance and
that have been certified or tested by IACS priority for our customers.
Member Classification Societies.
In this respect, Captain Nemo plays a key
Relying on strong production activity and role as it systematically follows all recent
in combination with our long experience in developments concerning maritime rules
exporting worldwide, Captain Nemo is able and regulations, and creates complete
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