P. 13
also recognized by all registries. In 1996
the company was awarded the ISO 9002
Certificate which was followed by the ISO
9001/2008 Certificate that focuses on R&D,
improved manufacturing skills, innovation
production lines and quality assurance.
We have grown together with our clients’
need. For this purpose, D. Koronakis has fo-
cuses on building a strong network of inter-
national stock centers (depots) in the most
key locations around the globe. In order to
provide just-in-time delivery of our goods,
we have expanded our depot network to
cover all continents.
Our depot locations include Livorno, Ham-
burg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Tarragona, Al-
geciras, Barcelona, Shanghai, Singapore,
Dubai, Fujairah, New York, Los Angeles,
Houston, New Orleans, Dominican Republic,
Panama, Cape Town & Durban.
Our Company is proud to offer:
• A 100% Greek owned company privately
held by its Greek Managers and Directors
fully involved in the day to day manage-
• A 100% dept-free company with strong
financials and large capital liquidity
• 24-hour service 365 days/year in all
HEMEXPO Catalogue 2019 | 13