P. 14

12, Filellinon Str.,
                                                           185 36 Piraeus, Greece
                                               Tel.: (+30) 210 4520655, (+30) 210 4520656
                                                           Fax: (+30) 210 4181530

        Constant & Superior Interior Building & Innovating

        ELVIK  S.A.,  established  in  1982,  is  the  pio-  Shipping Companies, from USA to East Eu-
        neer  in  incombustible  B-15  class  materials   rope and South East Asia. Our portfolio also
        manufacturing  in  Greece,  such  as  panels,   includes land construction projects and - in
        doors, ceilings etc, which can be used in in-  addition  -  we  can  take  care  of  the  interior
        terior spaces and arrangements on vessels   decoration, supply and install the furniture
        (according to SOLAS 1974 with all up-to-date   and kitchen equipment.
        amendments) and buildings (land construc-
        tion projects).                   We are in this business for over thirty five
                                          years now  and  we  have  been  satisfactory
        Materials design is our own patent, featuring   collaborating  with  all  our  customers.  Our
        B-15 class certificates by leading Internation-  work  is  efficient,  fast,  accurate  and  com-
        al Test Houses (Lloyd’s Register, Danish Fire   plete. Naturally we own an ISO 9001 certif-
        Institute, Lydteknisk Institut etc.). Our entire   icate for our production system as well as a
        range of materials is made of dip galvanized   full  module  system  for  production  surveil-
        steel plates with a PVC coating and/or stain-  lance. We can also undertake all interior fa-
        less steel plates and mineral wool, faultlessly   cilities arrangements, regarding vessels and
        fit together, forming the most qualified fire   land projects.
        protection and noise protection products in
        the business.                     For  our  line  work  and  quality  system,  we
                                          have been awarded numerous times, mostly
        We have constructed / converted more than   given the title of international “Leader in sta-
        500  vessels,  owned  by  Greek  and  Foreign   tus and quality”.

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