Page 6 - ProposalAI
P. 6

| 7.0 History

                                                                           7.1 Domain Age
                               00 years 00 months                          Older domain reflects higher

                               Age                                         trust and credibility which
                                                                           tends to benefit SEO ranking.
                                                                           -insert text-
                  Result retrieved from Webconfs

              6.2 Built With

              Some platforms like WIX are dicult
              to optimise due to limitations in their                   Wordpress
              CMS.                                                      Content Management
              MediaOne proposes migration to
              Wordpress which provide wider                             System
              range of capabilities in editing and
              -insert text-

                                                                        Hosting Provider

                                                           Results retrieved from BuildWith
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11