Page 48 - AA 2018_11
P. 48

“Taking delivery of the first of   As it headed out over the Pacific,    The first Qantas A380 touches   determined to have been caused by the
        our A380s is an important occasion   no-one could have dreamed that   down at Sydney at the end of its   breaking of a stub oil pipe which had
        for us. It is both a culmination –   almost exactly two years later the   delivery flight from Toulouse on   been manufactured improperly. With
        following years of meticulous design   plane would be the centre of one of the   September 21 2008. paul sadler  parts of the engine nacelle plunging to
        development – and a beginning,   most dramatic incidents in Qantas’s               the ground on the Indonesian island
        with the A380 leading us into a new   history, when A380 flight QF32,              of Batam, complete with the Qantas
        chapter in the story of Qantas,” said   climbing out from Singapore on its         Flying Kangaroo symbol fully visible,
        Joyce.                         way back to Sydney on November 4                    initial reports suggested the aircraft
          That first A380 touched down in   2010, came within a knife edge of              had crashed.
        Sydney at 9am on September 21 to   becoming one of the world’s worst air             What in fact was happening was
        begin several weeks of proving flights   disasters.                                that Captain Richard de Crespigny
        and induction into the Qantas fleet.   What happened is now history. The           and his crew were methodically
        With its 450 seats in four cabins - 14   plane suffered an uncontained engine      working through the dozens of error
        in first class, 72 in business class,   failure when a turbine disc in the         messages they were receiving, working
        32 in premium economy and 332   aircraft’s No 2 Rolls-Royce Trent 900              out what was working and what
                                       engine (on the port side nearest the
        in economy – everyone thought the   fuselage) disintegrated. In addition to  ‘For a time,   wasn’t, to eventually guide the aircraft
        A380 was a game-changer, as had                                                    and its 433 passengers safely back to
        been its high-capacity predecessor,   destruction of the engine, this caused   the big plane   an emergency landing at Singapore’s
        the Boeing 747. That first A380,   damage to the nacelle, wing, fuel               Changi airport.
                                       system, landing gear, flight controls,
        christened Nancy-Bird Walton, took   and the controls for engine No 1, and  became a big   For Qantas, it was a heroic
        off on its first commercial flight, from                                           moment, a confirmation of its
                                       a fire in the left inner wing fuel tank
        Melbourne to Los Angles, a month   that self-extinguished. The failure was  liability.’  unparalleled safety record and the
        later on the morning of October 21.                                                training of its flightcrews. It was also
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