Page 52 - AA 2018_11
P. 52


                                                                                                           Qantas’s A380 network
                                                                                                           comprises six routes.
                                                                                                                seth jaworski
        can allow more passengers on board.                                                configuration on the lower deck.
        But the jet fuel price hovers above $80                                              Work on the first A380 is expected
        to $90, so it just becomes uneconomic                                              to begin in the second quarter of
        and unsustainable.”                                                                next year and all 12 aircraft will be
          That trend is apparent wherever                                                  upgraded by the end of 2020.
        you look. Apart from Emirates with its                                               “Customers love the A380,” said
        mega transit hub, no-one is ordering                                               Joyce.
        A380s. Indeed, the last two purchased                                                “This upgrade is a major
        were by Japan’s All Nippon Airways                                                 investment in putting the next
        which is taking them to operate on                                                 generation of seats on the aircraft
        a single route, the tourist-oriented,                                              as well as more creature comforts to
        high-density service from Japan to                                                 maintain its status as one of the best
        Hawaii. There is universal recognition                                             ways to fly. We’re seeing increased
        that if Emirates had not placed a new                                              demand for premium economy and
        $16 billion order for 36 more A380s in   additional six business class and 25     Qantas’s A380 cabin refit will   business class on the long-haul routes
        January this year the production line   premium economy seats, increasing   include a new upper deck   that the A380 operates, including
        would have been run down and the   the overall seat count on the aircraft   lounge space.  from people using their Qantas points
        program ended.                 by one and increasing premium                       to upgrade,” he added.
          Not that any of this means Qantas   seating by 27 per cent.                        “When you combine this upgrade
        will be phasing out the A380 anytime   New premium economy seating                 with the other investments we’ve
        soon. The airline announced last year   will be in a 2-3-2 configuration. This     been making in new aircraft and new
        a major A380 upgrade to improve   seat is almost 10 per cent wider than            cabins, it will give us consistency
        passenger comfort on long-haul   the model it replaces and debuted on              with our premium seats across the
        flights and tap the growing market for   the Qantas 787 last year.                 A380, A330 and incoming B787
        premium travel.                  The front end of the A380’s   ‘Customers          Dreamliner.”
          Structural changes are focused on   upper deck will also be reconfigured           But while the flagship A380 has
        the upper deck where 30 economy   to redesign the passenger lounge   love the      become a fixture in the history of an
        seats will be removed and some   to provide more room for first and                iconic airline, one thing is certain. It
        partitions and a crew workstation   business class customers to dine and           will never reach the impact of the 747
        rearranged to use space more   relax. First class will be enhanced,   A380.’       but it will remain an integral part of
        effectively. This will allow for an   although it remains in its current   ALAN JOYCE  the fleet for many years to come.

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