Page 56 - AA 2018_11
P. 56
Avinor, the Norwegian ANSP, a likely location close to the existing Frequentis was chosen by with relatively low traffic levels, is
found that a digital tower technology building. Airways in 2017 to demonstrate scheduled for 2020. At the same time,
could be implemented for around 33 Airservices is now evaluating its digital tower technology at a contingent tower solution will be
per cent the cost of replacing tower industry proposals to select a partner Auckland. frequentis implemented at Auckland.
infrastructure at each airport. to progress the introduction of digital “We have reached the point where
The decision by NATS in 2017 tower technology. “We will work with many of our control tower facilities are
to replace the London City Airport the selected partner to determine nearing end-of-life,” said Mike Turner,
control tower service with a DAS has the DAS solution for Sydney and Airways’ digital towers operational
been a significant step forward in Canberra,” Angus said. lead.
industry acceptance of the technology. Longer term, Airservices has a “Significant capital expenditure
The London City Airport tower vision to locate a digital tower centre will soon be required to replace or
is 30 years old and needs replacing, at Melbourne to provide services for a substantially renovate these facilities.
compounded by the fact that nearby number of airports. The upcoming expenditure has
buildings and other visual obstructions “It is early days in deciding how provided the impetus for Airways to
sometimes make traffic observation we may operate the DAS. It is clear, explore other options for providing
difficult. however, that efficiencies result from an air traffic control tower service. It
NATS intends to start operation of operating multiple airports from one is the right time for us to implement
a digital tower for London City Airport facility,” Angus said. digital tower technology.”
in 2019 with air traffic controllers “Traffic levels at many regional Auckland Airport is undergoing
based 100 kilometres away at the airports vary over the day. It may be substantial expansion, including major
London air traffic control centre in possible for more than one airport to infrastructure works, to accommodate
Swanwick, near Southampton. be operating from one position when a second runway. These works
Back in Australia, a digital tower traffic is moderate and uncomplicated. require the existing control tower to
solution for Sydney will allow the There is a general view that if three be removed. Due to the associated
existing control tower to be closed to airports can be operated from one expense, Airways will almost certainly
allow for the integration of Airservices’ facility, significant benefits can be commission a digital tower instead of
INTAS digital air traffic control achieved. ‘Efficiencies building a replacement tower.
suite without having to build a new “A lot of work still needs to be done, While service resilience is
replacement tower. however, before we fully develop our result from vital everywhere, there is an even
“To avoid having to build a new operating concept.” greater need in a country prone to
control tower at Sydney, an alternative The upshot, then, is that Airservices operating earthquakes. A system disruption,
location is needed to provide the likely will not build another control particularly in the key Auckland
aerodrome service for a number of tower. multiple gateway, would have multiple
months while INTAS is installed,” In New Zealand, Airways is also ramifications.
Angus said. making significant steps towards airports from The existing contingency plan for
A similar need exists at Canberra. introduction of the technology Auckland involves staff vacating the
The intention is to use digital tower through its digital towers program. one facility.’ building and moving to another tower
technology to provide the service while Operational implementation at located on the international apron.
the control tower is unavailable, with Invercargill, a South Island location STEPHEN ANGUS A number of systems would need