Page 61 - AA 2018_11
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The A321neo has stolen a lot of MOM’s
market already THE CONTENDERS
Airbus started out selling the A321neo
in 2010, and ran away with most of In the narrowbody corner
the lower end of the middle-of-market
segment after launching the extra- A321neo
fuel-tanks version, originally called Length: 44.51m
the A321neoLR and later shortened to MTOW: 97t
A321LR. Range: 4,000nm
As part of its plan to make the (in A321LR version
A321neo all things to all airlines, including three auxiliary
Airbus is also offering a rejig of its centre tanks)
doors, as the Airbus Cabin Flex, or Typical capacity: 206 passengers (2-class)
ACF, program. Rather than the four Maximum capacity: 244 passengers
doors seen on current versions, the
second set of doors disappears and is Boeing 737 MAX 9
replaced by either one or two overwing Length: 42.16m
exits. For very high premium layouts, MTOW: 88.3t (preliminary)
such as all-business-class airline Range: 3,550nm
As a MOM contender, Boeing’s NMA is The A321LR has an advertised La Compagnie’s A321neo, only one (with one auxiliary tank)
the unknown range nearly 100nm greater than overwing is needed and the door Typical capacity: 178-193 passengers
Most observers suspect Boeing’s NMA the 757-200’s. airbus immediately behind the wing (which Maximum capacity: 220 passengers
will end up being the 797, and the would be doors 3 on the current A321)
expectation is that it is a twin-aisle is deactivated, with consistent cabin Boeing 737 MAX 10
aircraft roughly the size of a 767, with interiors making the changes almost Length: 43.8m
new engines, new wings and probably invisible to most passengers. MTOW: (not yet specified by Boeing)
a new carbon-fibre fuselage. ACF reduces weight and makes the Range: 3,300nm
The “probably” on the fuselage cabin layout more flexible, especially (with one auxiliary tank)
concerns the price of the aircraft, for operators at the longer end of the Typical capacity: 188-204 passengers
which Boeing needs to keep relatively range game where a premium cabin Maximum capacity: 230 passengers
low, especially since the 787 is a means that there is less evacuation
capable but expensive plane. Too high pressure on the forward and centre In the widebody corner
a price, and airlines may look more doors.
appreciatively on cheap, late-model Airbus has, however, been keeping A330-200ceo
(or second-hand) existing twinjets. its next move close to its chest. Its Length: 58.82m
It may well be that Boeing goes for a options largely revolve around adding MTOW: 242t
half-and-half approach or uses some extra frames to make a larger aircraft, Range: 7,300nm
form of technological wizardry to try extra fuel tanks to create an aircraft Typical capacity: 247 passengers
to make the numbers add up. with more range, or both to create a Maximum capacity: 406 passengers
One question still outstanding larger aircraft with the same range as
is around the actual shape of the the A321LR. A330-800neo
fuselage. It seems that some markets At the risk of sounding as confusing Length: 58.82m
(usually exemplified by China and as Apple’s latest round of iPhones, let’s MTOW: 251t
east Asia) desire a relatively decent call these the A321XLR (same size, Range: 8,150nm
cargo hold, while others (where the US more range), A322 (larger, no more Typical capacity: 257 passengers
and Europe are the examples) place a range) and A322LR (larger, more Maximum capacity: 406 passengers
lower priority on cargo and a higher range).
priority on cabin space. It seems that all of these options Boeing 787-8
It’s all a bit of a “watch this space” are technically possible for the Length: 57m
for airlines and observers. At this A321neo frame and the A321neo set MTOW: 228t
point in time, if Boeing doesn’t launch of engines from Pratt & Whitney or Range: 7,355nm
the NMA at the Paris Airshow in CFM. The question is which one – or Typical capacity: 242 passengers
June 2019, there’ll be a lot of surprise ones – Airbus will jump at. Maximum capacity: (not specified by Boeing,
and disappointment, which would, of The ACF configurations can All could take a different bite out but 381 according to speci-
course, be good news for Airbus and enable more efficient use of of different parts of the middle-of- fication documentations if
particularly the A321neo. cabin footprint. la compagnie the-market, and the jury is still out as four type A doors installed)
to whether it makes more sense for
Airbus to wait until the 797 is more Boeing 787-9
firmly specified before revealing its Length: 63m
deck or to try to corner the market MTOW: 254t
earlier, as it has with the A321LR. Range: 7,635nm
Yet some airlines have already Typical capacity: 290 passengers
made choices for the A320neo family, Maximum capacity: (not specified by Boeing,
which will come with the ability to but 381 according to speci-
upgauge if needed. fication documentations if
“The Qantas Group has bought four type A doors installed)
A320neo and A321neo and they’re
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