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          and evolving aircraft, unmanned   The AMRAAM’s range and the   ‘The ground-        Risk mitigation
          aerial vehicles, and cruise missile   ability to intercept targets beyond          Raytheon Australia signed a $12.1m
                                         visual range is a key driver towards
          threats. It has been integrated into   having the LAND 19 Phase 7B solution  launched   contract with the Commonwealth
          the US National Capital Region’s air                                               in October 2017 to conduct a
                                         fully integrated with emerging ADF
          defence system since 2005, and is in   Integrated Air and Missile Defence  AMRAAM   comprehensive risk mitigation activity
          service with seven nations, including                                              (RMA) for LAND 19 Phase 7B.
          Norway, Spain, Oman, Finland, and   (IAMD) programs.          will still be          That risk mitigation work, in
          the Netherlands, and has been ordered   The air-launched version of the            conjunction with Canberra-based CEA
                                         AIM-120C5/7 and later versions of
          by Lithuania and Indonesia. The   AMRAAM reportedly have a range  capable of       Technologies and Thales Australia,
          capability is adaptable and can utilise                                            has included incorporating the system
          different launchers, radar and other   exceeding 100km. Even without the   intercepting   into the Australian environment, and
          sensor technologies, and missile types.  kinetic benefits of being launched        the potential integration of a CEA
            “The Raytheon offering draws on   the ground-launched AMRAAM will  BVR targets.’  phased array radar to the system. One
                                         from a fighter aircraft at altitude,
          a common launch rail that can make                                                 of the key tasks assessed the feasibility
          effective use of multiple weapons from   still be capable of intercepting BVR      of integrating the system with existing
          existing ADF inventory,” Raytheon   targets, putting its capabilities far          and incoming Australian Army
          Australia managing director Michael   beyond the RBS-70.                           vehicles including the Thales-built
          Ward said at the time.           “Whilst we’re talking about this being            Hawkei and Bushmaster protected
            “As the prime systems integrator,   a ‘short-range’ system, the main effector    mobility vehicles, and the Army’s new
          our solution will provide short and   for the capability will be AMRAAM,”          Rheinmetall MAN medium and heavy
          medium-range defence capability   Michael Ward told sister publication             trucks.
          using in-service multipurpose   ADBR in a recent interview.                          “Whilst the Australian NASAMS
          Raytheon AMRAAM missiles,        “This a significant step forward                  system will come with a counter
          and potentially AIM-9X missiles,   for Army capability, even the surface-          rocket, artillery and mortar (or
          providing a system to meet Army’s   launched AMRAAM gives you some                 C-RAM) sense, warn and locate
          ground-based air and missile defence   considerable range when compared to     NASAMS is in service with   capability, we also did look at potential
          requirements.”                 RBS-70.”                         Norway and the USA. raytheon  intercept solutions available through a

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