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Battle lines

                  ustralia’s airports are in the   small, show airports have invested      Qantas calls Canberra Airport a   Airlines who use the nation’s
                  midst of a significant capital   $15 billion since 2002, including   “glorious” terminal. seth jaworski  airports are unhappy with what they
                  works program to increase   some $10 billion on aeronautical               are being charged to use the facilities
                  capacity and update existing   improvements.                               and argue the levels of service at a
                  infrastructure at a time   “Australian airports rate well                  number of airports are not up to par.
          A when all indications point   against their global counterparts and                 Their frustrations, along with the
          to a near doubling of passenger traffic   have maintained high-quality facilities   views of the airports and industry
          over the next two decades.     for passengers even as they’ve invested             bodies, have been expressed through
            A bigger terminal at Adelaide, new   to support significant growth,” AAA         the Productivity Commission’s inquiry
          runways at Brisbane and Perth and a   chief executive Caroline Wilkie said in      into the economic regulation of airport
          rebuilt domestic precinct for Virgin   early September.                            services that the federal government
          Australia at Melbourne are just four   “This is a great endorsement of our   ‘Australian   launched in June.
          examples up on the drawing board.  industry and the regulatory approach              “The purpose of this inquiry is
            On top of that, the first sod has   that has supported robust commercial   airports rate   to determine the effectiveness and
          been turned at Badgerys Creek in   agreements with airlines to support             efficiency of the current arrangements
          Sydney’s west, where a new airport   efficiency and improve the travel   well against   and determine whether they remain
          is expected to be operational by the   experience of passengers.”                  appropriate,” the Productivity
          mid-2020s.                       However, the billions spent and the   their global   Commission says on its website.
            Figures from the Australian   expected $20 billion to be invested                  The terms of reference show
          Airports Association (AAA), the   over the coming decade, according to   counterparts.’   the inquiry will consider the
          industry group representing the   an AAA survey, represented only part             “appropriate economic regulation
          nation’s airports both large and    of the story.             CAROLINE WILKIE      of airport services, including the
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